Conquer Procrastination A workshop for Intelligent, Creative People who get Stuck.

Want to be invited to the Conquer Procrastination TeleSeminar?

We are getting closer to the teleseminar on  ways to re-programing the Mind to Stop Procrastination .”  If you would like to Conquer Procrastination and Fear this year, sign up to get an invitation to this powerful teleSeminar.

GIFT: Everyone who has sent questions will receive an invitation to our upcoming seminar Stop Procrastination a program for Creative, Intelligent People Who Get Stuck.”

For those of you new to teleseminars, this is an online event that you can listen to by phone or on your computer.  It will be given January 28, 2010 at 9:15 pm. Attendees will have the opportunity to interact “live” with Dr Audrey Sussman.

Details will be emailed to you shortly if you are on the invite list.

There are two ways to be invited:
1. Sign up by going to the upper right side of this page, put you name and email and click on the “sign in here” tab.  You’ll also receive a powerful yet easy to learn exercise for calming your mind.

2. Send a question to Audrey, the colored link, takes you to her email address. Just write down your question and your name and email, and send it off.   We’ll look forward to interacting with you “in person”.