Mind Expanding Exercise Step 2

Have fun doing this exercise, as you beginning to train your mind to create positive future images.   These images can then be used in later exercises for setting off a “touch anchor” or for another technique call  the “map across.”

So here is your mind-expanding exercise, read all the directions first:

Answer the following Questions:
1. What would a perfect day be like for you?
2. What would you be feeling, seeing or hearing in this perfect day?
3. Put in everything from the smallest stuff to what is happening and whom you are with.

Here is a very important part of how to write this.

1. Write what you are feeling, seeing or hearing as if you are experiencing it right now.

2. You can write it down as if you were looking back, at the end of the day and reporting on what happened.  What you saw, felt, heard.

Present moment example: I am walking in the forest, seeing the sun streaming through the leaves of the trees.  The  smell of the pine needles as they crunch under my feet, is so soothing. And there just a few feet away, there is  a  bird with the most beautiful red color, I can hardly believe I’m lucky enough to be in this place at this time, and my best friend walking next to me.  . . .     (present tense).

Or I spent the most wonderful day, it was so perfect for me because I started out not even knowing that I would see the most beautiful sights, and find joy in a simple walk . . . .   (As if the event has already happened)

As you describe the perfect day step into it, be there, feel the feeling, see what there is to be seen.  Notice what happens in your body as you act “as if” you are in the event.

Please take action and write it down first. In this way you make sure it is set in the present as if you are experiencing it.  Or as if you are “in it” once again as you remember the day from the end of the day.

But, even just “thinking” about and being in the most beautiful day creates a change in your state.  You’ll find that when you actually take the action of doing this exercise your unconscious will hear it as if it is happening and your “state of mind” can shift as if you actually just had a positive day.    Many people notice an immediate shift in their energy level after dong this exercise.  Notice which way has more power for you writing or thinking about it in the present tense or  writing or thinking about it as if it already happened.

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Hope to have you join us in this journey of self discovery.