Relief of Panic, Anxiety and Fear – Action Steps

I decided to share some of the Action Steps I’m working with on my students in the Online Coaching class.  I hope you find them helpful.  If you have questions sent the to me here.  If you would like to join us there is still room for 2 more students. You also be getting the added a bonus session with an associate of mine who is a impressive energy healer, she be showing you how to use your own energy to create healing.

Here a part of the Action Plan, I’ve sent to my coaching students.

A  In order to get the most from this workshop we want to set up the baseline for the challenges and issues you face.

B  Step One: List all the challenges or emotions that are getting in your way:

1. Use specific situations:
2. Examples of challenges: fear, sadness, anger, panic attacks, low self esteem, social phobia, fear of speaking in public, fear of needles, test anxiety, flying, etc

3. Make sure you state the details of the situation, not just the emotion.
a. Where does this problem occur?
b.  Who is there in the situation.
c . What specifically is happening in the situation.
d.  What are you saying to yourself, see if you can “catch” the thoughts moving through your mind when you think of the situation?

This is an important exercise. You can do it quickly or take your time. The important thing is to have something written down.  In this class we will be working on one of the top 3 issues you choose to work on.

In our next class on June 23rd I’ll give you the questions to help you focus inward. We’ll use these questions to get to the real desires, and to unearth things that is getting in the way of you achieving your goals.

For now just write down you list and pick 3 that you want to work on.  I’ll show you how to use the information in the next workshop.  This is an important piece of the blueprint for change from the Transformation System used at the Anxiety Control Center.

Benefits of setting a baseline:

C  When you set up a base line of challenges and issues you get 3 benefits
1. Choices will become clearer.
2.  You will feel more in control, by having a place to start.
3.  You will be able to measure the changes that happen.

Want to learn how to create a “filter” so you can
automatically filter out harmful “advice”
Would you like to learn how to stay centered and calm?
Begin today by downloading your first “tool” for
getting your own mind into a calm receptive state.
And then join us for the coaching class that shows you how.

Sign in at the top right side of this page

You will get the instructions to 2 exercises.
1. A powerful breathing exercise
to change your state of mind,
2. A second exercise
to help change negative thinking.

So do this now, download
the easy to learn exercises
by signing in at the upper right side of this page.
You will be sent the written instructions as a PDF.

If you would like to learn
using other techniques from the Transformation System
to quiet stress and anxiety
go to action ends procrastination

Our next class is on
July 15,  2010.
Looking forward to you becoming a part
this supportive online community.