Is it Possible to Talk While In A Trance?

This is a message one of our readers asked Audrey’s about being in a hypnotic trance:

Question:  I don’t understand how it can be possible to talk and if a person is in a hypnotic, trance state. It just doesn’t seem possible…

Audrey’s Reply:
Thanks for your comment, so many people who come to see me start out thinking that the only way to be in a trance state is to be in an almost sleep type of  state.  There are different types of trance states.  When you watch a stage hypnotist seemingly controlling the people up on stage it might look like they are asleep and under his will. But in truth, they are aware of what he is saying, otherwise how would they be able to respond to the suggestions he makes. When person is asleep, and you or even the greatest stage hypnotist make a suggestion – the person will continue to be asleep – they will not be acting on the suggestion.

Yes people can talk while in trance. I know that is possible because my clients do this every day.  They come to me for help and most are unsure if they can go into trance.  Many fear they won’t be able to relax enough to go into trance.  But, they don’t have to relax – it is possible to go into a trance without needing to relax.  A wonderful thing happens in trance – most of my clients use one of my easy methods and go into trance within seconds, and after they come out of trance (back to the outward focus) again they say they are the most relaxed they’ve been in years.  And this is all done without any need to relax, or any suggestions to feel calm.

This is especially useful for people with severe anxiety and phobias.  They are able to easily be in trance, and be totally aware and able to discuss what they uncover – while in trance.  After you learn how to easily go into trance you will amaze yourself by how easy it is to see things that you never realized in the normal waking state.  And the most amazing changes can happen in the trance state. It is the most powerful way to make quick changes to any unwanted patterns that hold you back in life.

Why use trance?

In a trance state it is possible to communicate with the parts of the mind that control your reactions.  That is why a trance state is so useful when you want to change a habit.  In a trance state it is possible to communicate with the part of the mind that controls your unconscious actions.  In a trance it is possible to get the deeper information and repair programs that trigger unwanted reactions.

And, best of all – only a light state of trance is needed to make the changes you desire.  There is much skill involved in using trance, and it is worth using because it gives us a way to uncover the hidden roots that cause anxiety, worry, fear and procrastination.  Although it is easy to learn to use trance to feel relaxed, if you want to change old patterns of fear and anxiety it is really a gift to yourself to have someone who knows how to help you to get to the root of where unwanted reactions come from.

Who is the best at hypnotic trance?

Anyone who wants to can learn to get into a light trance state.  The two things I’ve found that make for ease in learning a new skill like going into a trance are: An open mind and a desire to learn something new.  The more creative you are the easier it will be, yet any intelligent person can learn this skill of using the mind in this wonderful way to create trance.  Some of my clients are logical, scientific thinkers (doctors, lawyers and engineers) they too have worry, anxiety and overwhelm and they are wonderful at using hypnosis and trance to change unwanted reactions.

You too can learn to use trance as long as you are willing to have these two things:
1. An open mind.
2. And an interest in learning something new.

Hypnotic trance makes it possible to get the deeper information needed to make lasting change.  Trying to change things on the surface level is the most difficult way to try to change or to get free from feeling stuck.  You know this if you’ve ever tried telling yourself you wouldn’t get anxious when presenting to a group, or that you won’t get angry at that annoying thing a co-worker does and then when the situation happens again all your decisions not to get angry just don’t stop the automatic anger reaction.

As to speaking while in a trance state.  I know that is possible because my clients do this every day, they are able to talk about what they uncover while in trance.  After you learn how to easily go into trance you will amaze yourself how easy it is to see things that you never realized in the normal waking state.  And the most amazing changes happen in the trance state.

So what is a trance state.  The easiest way to put it is that it is an inward focus where the outside world just melts away.  You can still hear whatever is going on in the moment, you just choose to pay attention to the more important things that you are uncovering. The reason I use trance is that it gives us a way to access repressed and unconscious memories.  We can make changes so much more quickly in an  inward focused or trance state.   Want to experiment with an easy way to create trance, watch my video and just follow along.  Don’t worry, you won’t do anything that isn’t in alignment with your values, because you can be in trance and still be totally awake and aware.

You’ll be happy to know that you will be in total control while in a trance state. You are able to talk and to come out of trance anytime you want.

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