Hypnosis – Learn to Go Into a Calming Trance State

Let’s begin by just talking about creating a hypnotic trance state. 

As we talk questions might come up, or you might already have some questions about what trance is and why you might want to use it.

The following are answers to some of the questions people have asked:

Question:  Can I talk while in a trance state?

You can ask any questions, at any time even in the deepest hypnotic state. You can ask a question, ask for help or ask for clarification of something you need more information about.

Question:  Will I have to do everything the hypnotist says?

Before you even go into a trance it’s important to understand that you will be in total control.  No one can make you do anything, the suggestions you accept will only remain effective if they are in alignment with your values.  What I mean by this is that you can not be made to do anything that you would think was wrong or embarrassing. You might be wondering why people do (embarrassing) things while in a trance during a stage hypnosis show, and I have a whole article about this, but suffice it to say for now, that people will only do things that fit with who they are.  An outgoing person is having fun, dancing around like a ballerina.

Question:  I’ve heard different ways of describing trance, which is correct?

There are many words that are used to describe trance.  You might hear it referred to as an altered state, or a hypnotic state, or a relaxed state.  Some people use the words hypnosis or self-hypnosis to describe this inner focused state.

Question:  What can be done in trance that you can’t do in the normal waking state?  I’m wondering why is it important to learn to go into a hypnotic or trance state.

There are so many great reasons to learn to create a hypnotic state of trance
a. In the hypnotic state you will find it becomes more easy to focus on what is important.

b. The most important answer that comes to my mind is that the trance state allows you to go to that place where your hidden potential is located.

  1. Using an altered state is it gives you access to the unconscious part of your mind.
  2. The unconscious is the part where repressed memories and emotions are held.  It is also the part that you can tap into to get important information and release stuck emotions and beliefs.

c. And the major reason that I feel learning to go into a trance state is important is that once you learn to go into this state you are accessing the part of your mind, that hold solutions which are not available in the ordinary “conscious” state of mind.  I have written a lot more about the conscious and unconscious state of mind in my books and articles.

d.  You can learn to use a light state of trance to get to the information held in your own unconscious mind.

Question: I have been trying to stop procrastinating for years, can I use trance to change negative habits?

If you have had a certain pattern of behavior or thought that you have been trying to change, you’ll find it possible to get true, lasting change by going to the unconscious using a light trance state.

  1. For habits it is sometimes necessary to use my full Transformation System, which includes 2 different types of hypnosis as well as cognitive and behavioral techniques that are used while you are in the trance state.
  2. You can start on your own, and see what happens.   Then you can add the help of someone trained in the Transformation System.  Even a light trance state can enable you to look at things that wouldn’t be easy to do in the non-trance state.

Question:  I like to feel in control and feel I’m strong willed, I’ve heard only a weak mind can be controlled with hypnosis, is that true?

a. Actually, I have found that intelligence and creativity are a major asset in learning to do hypnosis and trance easily.

b.  It takes a lot of strength to allow someone to guide you and it is a gift to yourself to seek out someone you can trust to mentor you in this powerful way.

  1. Not only are you in control in the hypnotic trance state but you can access parts of yourself that will delight and amaze you.
  2. Hypnosis has nothing to do with will power.  Strong powerful people learn quickly to use the altered trance state.

Questions:  Are all hypnotists licensed?  What should I look for when interviewing a hypnotist?

  1. As of this writing there are no licenses for Hypnosis.  There are certifications that people can receive.
  2. Questions to ask:  What is their health degree in?   How long have they been practicing?   What is their specialty?  Do they have testimonial letters or people you can contact for referrals?

Beginning the Journey to Calmness Through Trance

Of course we hope that you choose to learn more about the therapists at the Anxiety Control Center and contact us for this guidance.  But no matter how you choose to start this journey, on your own, reading books or calling for guidance it can prove to be a powerful ally in your movement to the most powerful, calm, serene you.

So for right now, let’s do a simple beginning exercise.  You can get it for free by signing up HERE. – Mind Calming Video Guide


3 responses to “Hypnosis – Learn to Go Into a Calming Trance State”

  1. I don’t understand how you can talk and still be in a hypnotic state. It just doesn’t seem possible to me. Granted, I’ve never been hypnotized, but still, it just seems like it couldn’t happen.

    1. Hi Amber,
      Thanks for your comment, so many people who come to see me started out thinking that the only way to be in a trance state was to be so deep that they were in an almost “sleep” state. But in truth, when you are able to learn to be in trance and still be speaking you can make amazing changes. Since your unconscious has so much more information than the conscious mind, just a light state of trance where you are still awake and aware is really powerful. Because I work with people who have severe panic, most need to know that they will still be in control while in a trance state. So that is why I developed the Transformation System to work in this way.

  2. Hi, sorry you couldn’t get to the contact info, if you have questions my email is askdraudrey@gmail.com. I’m happy to answer.
    Site looks OK now, and will hopefully stay that way. Thanks for letting me know about the problem. Audrey