Using Pain to Stop Negative Thoughts? Is there a better way? Part 1

I hope you enjoyed Tish’s posts the last three days.  She’ll be back with more soon.  I’m Audrey Sussman and today I’ll start with the 1st in a  4 part post.  I’ll be talking about the use of pain to break negative habits.

I actually do NOT use or recommend the use of pain.  In over 25 years of practice I have found there are much healthier ways to change negative habits.  But since there are people “out there” that are recommending using the pain/pleasure principle to change habits,  I felt it was important to talk about how to use it safely, if you do decide to use this type of technique.

What stimulated my thinking about this was . . .  to be continued tomorrow.

Until then you can claim
Two powerful (non-painful) stress relief tips,
by going back up to the top right of this page.

Put your name and email in the box on the right,
and click “sign in here”,
they will be sent to you as a pdf.
These are easy to learn on your own,
and are the same ones we use at the
Anxiety Control Center in our Transformation System program.