Break free of blocks and recapture Creativity in Writing and in Life

This is a fantastic opportunity. If you enjoy writing and want to recapture the imagination and inspiration of your childhood and create a new vivid story for today. Become a part of an amazing community of creative people

This workshop has been developed specifically for writers of all genres and levels, from the newest writer just thinking about getting your notes on paper, to Screenwriters, Poets, TV Writers, Playwrights, Novelists, and Memoirists.  You’ll learn to banish writer’s block, find inspiration in an instant, and discover the heart of your story and your characters, by tapping into your own inner voice and your deepest creative instincts..

Become a part of this amazing community of creative people:
The INNER GAME Workshop is taught by
renowned Hypnotherapist Audrey Sussman PhD.

What You’ll be learning in the INNER GAME Workshop.
Learn how to use techniques of hypnosis, meditation and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) to break free from blocks, procrastination, and the emotional triggers that get in the way of your writing.    After taking this course participants are amazed how easily their true, unique inner voice flows in both writing and life.

In this 4-week workshop you’ll get your questions answered and take home tools that can change your life.

1. No-Fail Formula
for instant motivation in the face of new challenges.
2. Two-for-One Method to convert the inner critic into a life enhancing guide.
3. Life-Line Tool to break the barriers that get in the way of moving forward in writing and life.

Who should attend:
This course has been developed for writers, so you need to have some desire to write. But this isn’t a craft writing course. It is for anyone who would like to repair the inner programs that cause you to get stuck and cause anxiety that eats away at confidence.   As you learn to tap into the unconscious part of your mind you’ll discover the different parts of yourself that can be use in character development.   This is a course that shows you how to repair the inner programs that keep you from being at your best.

Who is Teaching:
Taught by renowned hypnotherapist Audrey Sussman PhD.  Audrey is the Director of the Anxiety Control Center, an author and researcher.  She developed an approach that has proven effective with creative people who want to get past their blocks to release their true potential.

Please email for more information