Questions to Ask Before Choosing a Hypnotherapist

When people first learn that hypnotic techniques are part of the system they have a number of different reactions, ranging from excitement about trying something new, to skepticism and even fear.

In talking to many people I have found that much of the fear about hypnosis comes from misconceptions gotten from movies and stage hypnosis shows.  In both movies and shows the hypnotist seems to have some sort of magical power and can control the hypnotic “subjects.”   An old movie many people bring up, had a  man named Svengali who was able to use hypnosis to get women to do his bidding.  This movie caused many people to believe and fear that posthypnotic suggestions would make them do something they wouldn’t want to do.

Understanding Hypnotic Suggestions

This is not how hypnosis really works.  In reality, therapeutic hypnosis is not about taking control but giving back power and choice to the individual.  Although posthypnotic suggestions do trigger a response after the trance state, a person will only act on the suggestions if it fits with who they are.

Hypnotic suggestions not acceptable to a person’s unconscious will eventually be undone even if they were to be accepted at first.  Of course, with hypnosis it is most important to feel comfortable with the person doing the hypnotic work.

Choosing a Hypnotherapist

I’ve put together a few things to consider when choosing your hypnotherapist.  Of course we hope you will choose one of our therapists at the Anxiety Control Center, but no matter who you choose we hope the following tips are of help.

One of the most important things once you choose your hypnotherapist is to make sure that you and your therapist are clear about the goals you want to achieve.  Goals need to be set, before any work is done.

Questions to Ask When Choosing a Hypnotherapist:

1. Ask where they received their training

2. Make sure they are at least board certified

3. It is a good sign if they have at least a master’s in a health related field,

4. If they don’t have at least a master’s degree ask if they are supervised by someone who does.

5. Once you have decided on a hypnotherapist you can ask to experience a MINI-trance.
A mini-trance is, a brief trance session, you can be fully awake and aware during this; you can even have your eyes open. It is a great way to get comfortable with hypnosis.

Why I Recommend Using Hypnosis

a.  Using a light trance state opens your mind to information not available in the ordinary conscious state.
b.  A hypnotic or trance state also lets you tap into the healing power of your own unconscious mind.
c.  In the trance state you can release old emotions and re-program new more beneficial patterns of behavior.

So, if fear ever stops you from doing something, if you have self-doubt, are suffering with panic or anxiety you will find that hypnosis is a quick, lasting way to get rid of these limits.

If you would like to schedule a Free Consultation to learn more about hypnosis and how we can help, please click the button below and schedule a day and time for us to chat:
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