Overworked, Overwhelmed and Stressed? Tips for a Calm and Focused Mind

Have you every felt so overwhelmed that you procrastinate?   Does self-doubt set in when you most need to be at your best when taking on new challenges? Do you then feel bad about procrastinating on the things you really want to do?   

The stress reaction is something that happens when people take on new challenges.  The more successful you are the more challenges you are taking on.  And the anxiety-procrastination reaction is one of the most misunderstood reactions.  Most people add to the distress with self blame.  Yet, procrastination happens because of the programs and triggers that run in the back of the mind.  The amazing thing is that there is a way to change these anxiety reactions so you can be in the state of confidence and curiosity needed when things seem overwhelming.  

Identify issues that cause distress. Think about and then write down:
1. What causes you anxiety, worry, fear, sadness, panic, guilt.
2. Keep this list because after using the Magic Toolbox you will be amazed at where you started
3.  Next: Number the issues or symptoms you’ve written down: From the most stressful to least.
4.  Put a star next to the top 3 stressors, and write each one down on a separate piece of paper.
5.  For each of the 3 starred items:
a. Think about and then write about how different it will it be when you are free from the issues.
       b. Take some time to really imagine how life is different when these are gone.
      c. Visualize a new possible future: notice what you see in this image, what you hear and even how it feels in your body as you imagine stepping into that future image.
       d. Make note of any negative thoughts the come up, when doing this experiment with creating what you want your future to look like.  Following the steps above is the start to any change. 

Many people feel anxiety from overwhelm in the body.   At time it might seems that anxiety comes out as heart pounding, stomach clenching or a mind fogging reaction.  And to make it worse it might even seem that these physical reactions come from out of the blue. 

This is because the triggers for reactions are so hidden, that it seems like there is reason to feel this way.  As your mind tries to make sense of the reactions it can cause more of fear and worry that adds to the stress you are already feeling.  And for many people they fear that the body reaction is a signal that something is terrible wrong physically. 

The anxiety/fear reaction does have a positive purpose. When working properly, it can mobilize you for action.  But, when procrastination or fear is the response it takes you out of your best state of mind into one where you begin to doubt yourself.

Think back on a time when you felt worry, fear or procrastinated on something you really want to do.  Then notice what happens as the fearful thoughts move through your mind.  You’ll probable begin to notice that your thoughts are creating future images of what you fear might happen.   And sometimes the thoughts and images move so quickly through your mind that it seems the reaction your are having is for no apparent reason.   The unconscious mind interprets the future images as a signal that you will need to fight or flee.  It accepts the thoughts and images as if they are really happening in the present moment.  Then chemicals pour though the body getting you ready to fight or flee, sometimes the chest gets tight, or you’ll feel a nervous energy though-out the body.   People suffering with panic then increase the distress as they worry that something is wrong with their health.

This cause the out of control feeling that add to the distress as new thoughts arise telling you these terrible feelings will never stop.

The mind and body are connected, and thoughts can create physical reactions.  Actually, the unconscious part o the mind is doing what it is designed to do, send a message to release chemicals, getting  the body ready to fight or flee.  This is a normal, healthy part of the mind-body connection.

But, when we aren’t aware of what is triggering the anxiety reactions, as chemicals rush through the body it might seem the reaction is coming from out of the blue.   And this then plays havoc on both the 


  • No matter the event, you can learn to have control over these stress reactions.
  • Recognize that it is not the outside event that actually causes anxiety, fear or stress.  It is the way we interpret, filter or think about what is going on that determines our reactions. 
  • Take a moment to identify the symptoms you are having.
  • Then, take a moment to be curious about the thoughts or images moving through your mind.

 If you want more information on calming the mind and body so you can sail easily towards goals, take advantage of our   home-study course, ebook or private sessions where you can change on the deepest level so calm, focus and motivation is your natural state. 

Links: Information about the   Magic Tool Box
Consultation:   To set up a consultation email your name, contact information and phone number to Audrey.