Why Do We Get Stressed? 3 Different Types of Tools to Calm Down

Knowing how stress is created gives us important information on how to change unwanted reactions. It’s important to have ways to de-stress because the stress of worry, anxiety and fear gets in the way of productivity and a clear, focused mind.

Step 1:  Change the breathing pattern
Step 2:  Reframe thoughts
Step 3:  Release stuffed emotions.

The stress cycle can start with a bodily reaction, with your thoughts or with emotions that are triggered. When your breathing gets fast and high up in the chest the Amygdala (part of the brain) interprets this change in breathing pattern as if there is something you’ll need to fight or flee from.

Your body reacts to the chemicals signals, and your legs feel weak, or your heart might begin to pound. This is a normal reaction because you body is  getting you ready to survive the perceived threat.   But because you aren’t aware of what is triggering the reaction it becomes really scary. It would be understandable if a hungry tiger way coming at you and your heart was pounding.  But because there seems to be nothing triggering the reaction the thinking part of your mind starts to look for reasons.  This is what leads to the thoughts that there must be something terribly wrong that your body is reacting in this way.  People with panic many times end up in the ER because the fear that the tight, pounding heart might be a heart attack.  And to make things even more stressful, we worry that the doctor has missed something, for the feeling is so real.

Your body reacts to the thoughts and images you create.  The mind then sends the chemicals needed to fight or flee, not realizing that there is no hungry tiger coming towards you, just scary thoughts and images that trigger the fight / flight response.

Somethings we need to react to the things happening around us, the reactions become a problem when they are out of proportion to what is actually happening in the present moment.  This type of reaction causes more stress, worry and fear that it gets in the way of living with calm, clarity and focus.

There are 3 types of tools that are needed to get free from unwanted anxiety, stress and fear.  We need tools to calm the body, ones to calm the mind and tools that help us to release years of pent up emotions, and limiting beliefs from the past, that get in our way in the present.

1.  Physical  (Body Calming tools).   These can include very simple changes in the breathing pattern, all the way to deep changes in the old pathways that get us stuck.   Lots of other tools can also be helpful, exercise, yoga,  and even changes in your posture can be used to change the fight / fight response.  We want to have lots of tools that can send the message to the brain that all is well.  The most powerful tool we start with is to change the breathing pattern because it instantly changes the message from the body to the mind.   The link for the Mind Calming video guide is at the end of this article.

2.  Cognitive  (Conscious mind calming tools).  When we change the thoughts and images from those that create worry, anxiety and stress to positive, calming and self-enhancing ones the stress-response stops in its tracks.   When you can stop your mind from racing  at will, you can get back into control of your emotions.  Remember: The thoughts we have create images the mind reacts to.  When you have fearful  thoughts about upcoming projects, events and situations, the mind acts as if the feared  imagined event is actually happening and it does it’s best to protect you by sending out the chemicals needed to escape the feared event.  Procrastination many times is caused because the mind is trying to take you away from the discomfort of the stress to something that feels better or easier to accomplish.

3.  Emotional (Tools to release pent up chains of emotion). When you have these tools you can change the filters through which you interpret events.     In childhood if a situation too scary or traumatic our emotions get stuffed down in order to protect us.  Although they are hidden in the background of the mind (the unconscious/subconscious) they can be at the root of what is triggering panic, worry, anger, fear, headaches, bowel problems, tension, pain and exhaustion. When our emotions are repressed (stuffed down) you might find that you overreact to situations.  When we release the stuffed emotions it feels like someone has taken a suitcase off your back, one you didn’t even realize you were carrying.  And when emotions are release you have calm, clarity and focus as a normal way of living no matter the stressors.

Reminder: Start by changing the breathing pattern.  It is the easiest tool to learn and has a wonderful impact on you life.  

Free Mind Calming Tool:  Click on the link  Mind-Calming Video guide  to get this powerful Mind Calming tool.  Yes, it’s a freebee you’ll just need to sign in to get it.  Even after just one use you’ll see how quickly it reduces stress and anxiety.

The 4-Step Course to Kicking the Anxiety Habit  comes with 4 audio sessions.  It’s the next step on the journey of getting free from anxiety and stress that gets in the way in life, career and relationships.  I think you’ll find the information and tips are totally worth the time to learn these valuable tools.

To check it out now click the link below:
4-Step Course to Kicking the Anxiety Habit.