Author: Audrey Sussman
What causes Obsessive Compulsive Thoughts?
Russell Crowe told Oprah, he feels like he can’t help but doing exactly what he was told not to do. (continued from 4/29 post) When Russell Crowe was backstage, before being on Oprah’s show, they told him not to swear on live TV. As he was talking to Oprah he told her how he felt…
Russell Crowe compelled to swear on Oprah
When someone tells Russell Crowe not to do something, guess what he does? He told Oprah, he feels like he can’t help but doing exactly what he was told not to do. When Russell Crowe was backstage, before being on Oprah’s show, they told him not to swear on live TV. As he was talking…
Wayne Dyer’s exercise for Peaceful Sleep
How to Get a Peaceful Nights Sleep Are you having trouble sleeping and ready to get some insomnia relief? As I was reading Excuses Begone by Wayne Dyer, it reminded me of a number of techniques that I use with my clients. What I call “negative self talk” or “negative stories” he calls excuses. I…
Hypnotized and feeling back in control of emotions
I received this wonderful email from one of my online coaching students. I was touched by her words and decided to post it in hopes that others will also join this supportive group of people. Excerpt from an email one of my students wrote to me after our 4th online coaching class: Student: “What you…
Lupus and Panic Disorder
It’s Tish here, one of the hypnotherapists at the Anxiety Control Center. Many people who know me, know that I came to this career because I suffered with panic disorder for many, quite frankly, too many years. I tried various traditional ways to get rid of it, but only had limited success. It was not…
Postive Self Talk (3)
The problem with just saying how wonderful you are, or that everything will be all right is that unless the belief is changed they don’t ring true. For instance if a person has a belief that they can’t do things “right,” no matter how many statements to the contrary, the belief doesn’t change. Therefore the…
Stop Sugar Cravings Workshop tonight
Audrey Sussman and Melissa Kavanaugh will be co-hosting an interactive workshop on How to Stop Sugar Cravings. Learn about using both the Conscious and Unconscious Parts of the mind to change old habits. Melissa Kavanaugh is an outstanding nutritional coach and has many useful techniques and information to share with us tonight. She will offer…