Category: Worry

  • Part II Steps to stop worry

    Part II Step 1:  Think about the negative thoughts that you uncovered and ask yourself the following questions:  continued in the next post. a.  “What is this thought about?” b.  “Where is this feeling coming from?” c.  “What am I trying to accomplish by having these thoughts?” Be curious about comes to mind as you…

  • 3 steps to changing worry: Hypnosis NYC

    Continued from post of May 20th. Let’s begin with the 3 steps you will need to start changing patterns of thought that are creating stress and worry in your life. These 3 steps are so powerful that many of my clients have experienced immediate lifting of their spirits after using them for the first time.…

  • Understanding how the mind works to stop worry

    This is a continuation of the post on stopping worry from May 16th post. There are 2 things you need to use this technique to stop worry. 1. An understanding of how the mind works, both on the conscious and unconscious level. 2. And a step-by-step method of creating what you want in your life,…

  • Simple techniques for stopping worry

    There are many different techniques that can be used to stop worry and the stress that results from it.  Choosing the most effective one depends on which part of the stress cycle you are in.  For today we’ll talk about using your thoughts in a different way, this is called the cognitive part of the stress/relaxation cycle. …

  • Are some people more prone to worrying than others?

    Some people do seem more prone to worry than others.  There are many different ways that people can respond to events happening in the world they live in.  An event that hardly creates a ripple in one person’s life, can completely distress another person. Have you ever found your thoughts spinning off into all sorts…

  • Procrastination & Worry the Time Wasters

    If you want to make an easy job seem mighty hard, just keep putting off doing it.  ~Olin Miller Worry, the Time Waster That nagging feeling just won’t go away. It serves no useful purpose, so why do we worry – to prevent bad things from happening. Yet, how much of your worry is actually…

  • Swine flu – how to stop the worry.

    All the talk and fear about the swine flu is creating havoc for many people.  It especially affects people prone to panic disorder and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.  I’ve had many new patients come in for help because they are having a really hard time dealing with all the scary information coming from TV and radio. …

  • The positive intent of Worry

    Before I talk about techniques to stop worry in its tracks, let’s look at the positive purpose of worry.  It can alert you to things that need to be taken care of, or of consequences of certain actions.  Worry can keep you watchful for symptoms that indicate a possible life-threatening problem, or it can motivate…

  • Are Some People More Prone to Worry Than Others?

    1.  Are some people more prone to worry than others? There are many reasons for the different ways people respond to the world they live in.  An event that hardly creates a ripple in one person’s life, can completely distress another person.  People react differently because of the filters, beliefs and the way they interpret…

  • Worrying Less for Parents of Special Needs Children

    Have you ever been watching your child at play, feeling love and joy and all of a sudden find your thoughts spinning off into all sorts of worry? Has one worrisome thought ever brought on a terrible cycle of more fearful thoughts?  If this has happened you are not alone. Sometimes worry is a fleeting…