Choosing a Hypnotherapist

At the Anxiety Control Center we specialize in the relief of panic, anxiety, fear, worry, sadness, procrastination, anger, IBS and Migraines.  In my 30 years of practice and research I’ve developed a unique approach that has freed thousands of my clients from these problems.

In the article that follows I’ve put together ideas,  and questions you can use when looking for someone to provide help.  Of course I hope you choose to come to the Anxiety Control Center.  We have offices located in both New York City and Cherry Hill, NJ.

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 I’ve put together some questions people typically have when they call the Anxiety Control Center.

1.  What kind of therapy is the best?
Of course, since I have spent years of research and practice to develop my Transformation System I believe the system I created is the only real way to get lasting relief.  This System uses Cognitive-Behavioral Hypnosis which includes two forms of hypnosis (Classical and Ericksonian) combined with powerful mind-body techniques of Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Because relaxation isn’t necessary using this system even the most anxious person can achieve the hypnotic state of mind needed to get to the root of the problem.

You’ll never have to use exposure therapy, which we feel is the most traumatic approach, because   there are much better methods, in the Transformation System.   Our clients say that it seems like they get the “magic” ingredient that enables them to fix the issue at the very root.

2. Are there many different types of techniques that can be used, or is a generic approach?  If I think my problem is not the “run of the mill” type of issue, is there something that can be done?
The different techniques used are determined by what the needs of the individual.  The first step is to identify the goals you want to accomplish.  Then we work as a team with you, giving you many different tools heal and re-program the response, not just to manage it.   Just as you have many tools in your home toolbox, you also want to have different tools for different emotional issues. 

3.  Will I know what is going to happen,  will I lose control.  Can  I ask about techniques before I do them?
You have the right to know what techniques your hypno-therapist is going to use.  We have spent years of practice and research in developing a program that we can design if each individual, so we enjoy talking about different “tools” and you get the benefit of experiencing many different skills of healing.

4.  How long will it take?
Although no therapist can tell you exactly how many sessions it will take you do have a right to find out how long it typically takes, to feel some change.   When we talk to you on the phone, about your specific issue we talk about what we might do each session.

5.  Do I need to set up a session before getting answers about the type of therapy that is used?
One of the most important things is to feel comfortable with the therapist you choose.  We are  happy explain our system to you over the phone.  We don’t get caught up in big words and fancy systems. We explain in language that makes sense, and you will know if our system feels right to you. 

Most importantly when choosing a therapist trust your instincts.  Talk to the therapist on the phone before you have your first appointment.  Most therapists will offer a free telephone consultation to get to know you and to answer your questions.

6.  What if I’m afraid to bother the therapist with my questions?
This is similar to our answer about types of therapy.  It’s important to feel comfortable talking to the therapist.  Look for someone who is knowledgeable, patient and friendly.  This is the most important thing.  You cannot get better by talking to someone who intimidates you.

7.  How soon should I schedule an appointment? If I have panic attacks how often do I need to come in?
Once you find a therapist with whom you are comfortable, and who is knowledgeable,  schedule an appointment.  It important to have  guidance in dealing with panic and phobias, how often you set appointments can be discussed during your first session.  As a rule of thumb: In the beginning people come in more frequently, and then as they feel better appointments are spaced out.  For many people appointments start every other week, as soon as you are feeling relief we can then space them out to once a month, once every 3 months, to check in to see if any new issues come up. And then most of our client no longer need sessions, or call every few years if new life circumstances come up.  

If you are suffering from Panic, Anxiety, Fear, Anger, Grief, or Procrastination we hope you will call us.  These issues can be released so make sure you get help, there is no reason to suffer alone.

Anxiety Control Center LLC
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