Ericksonian Hypnosis and NLP

The interesting thing about Ericksonian Hypnosis and Neuro-linguistic Programming is that you don’t feel hypnotized.  You feel in complete control. The memories that come up, and the changes you make you remember, after you are no longer in trance state.

The reason hypnosis works, even when you are totally awake and aware, is because of what we do once old memories are uncovered.   Old limiting beliefs can be re-programmed, using many different techniques.  Just as you wouldn’t use a hammer for every job around the house, you use different techniques in hypnosis.  Ericksonian Hypnosis and NLP  are use for so much more than just relaxation.  In an “altered state” you can actually “fix” old beliefs that aren’t working for you.  You can re-program old reactions so you can respond in the present with all you have learned as an adult, and not just with the coping skills you had as a child.

If you would like to become a part of the online coaching class where you can learn Ericksonian and NLP techniques,

  please sign up for your first mind calming exercise in the upper right side of this screen.