Getting free of self-doubt #3

This is the third post in the creating self-confidence series.

Can you imagine how different it would be for you if you were fortunate enough to have someone there to point out the good parts of your efforts.  Someone to say that you’re OK even if things didn’t go as planed, or to look at something positive you learned.  Imagine that you had someone to be supportive and believe in you, NO MATTER WHAT.

Even our well meaning parents and care takers don’t typically say “go out and take some risks today.”  They more often warn you that if you don’t put on your coat you’ll catch a cold, or they remind you of of all the things you need to do to keep “safe”.    Can you imagine instead, a voice reminding you that you have what it takes.  This is something you can learn to do for yourself.

We end up taking on the negative”voice of fear we learned as children.  And this “voice” will to chip away at your self-confidence as it picks on any weakness it finds in your “armor” That is why even very successful people will at times find that little voice running, causing fear and self-doubt.

to be continued tomorrow. . .

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