Healing Traumatic Memories and Limiting Beliefs

In the last post we were looking at healing at the deeper level where the roots of the reaction comes from.   How do you know when it’s time to go deeper or use different techniques?  When you continue to feel anger, fear, hurt or resentment even when you really tried to change;  When no matter how hard you try it seems impossible to shake the memories; Then it’s time to seek out a different method.  Something that will help you to gain access to the very powerful unconscious part of the mind.   And again I want to reassure you, it is possible to get true and lasting relief from traumatic memories.   So, instead of just trying to use distraction, or trying to forgive let’s re-cap what works better.  

Re-cap of previous posts:

1.  To begin the process we begin with getting to the unconscious part of the mind.

2.  To gain access to unconscious information we use a light trance state.

3.  It is possible to learn hypnotic techniques where you can get into just the right state for the best results.

4.  We use Ericksonian Hypnosis and Neuro-Linguistic Programming.  (Not Classical Hypnosis for this type of work).

5.  Once in a hypnotic (light trance state) it is possible to release emotions at the root. old memories.

6.   When emotions are released (at the root event) the memories lose their hold on us.

7.  After releasing emotions from events and memories –  we can begin to re-program old negative beliefs. Those are the beliefs that keep us stuck in patterns of behavior that don’t work.

Note:   There are a many different hypnotic techniques, in addition to releasing the emotions, that may be used.  A skilled hypno-therapist trained in the Transformation System will have these various  techniques in their “toolbox” of healing.  Each person is different, therefore the techniques will be combined in different ways for each unique person and issue.

In the next post we  take a look at the questions and issues we started with.  Then we can look at how the information we’ve been looking at, can be translated for each different question and issue.