How to Choose a Therapist


There are many therapists and many specialties. So many in fact, that it might seem a daunting task to choose one.  To make this important task easier, follow these simple steps.

1.  Seek a person who specializes in the issue you are dealing with.  

If you have anxiety, panic attacks,  have a fear of flying, speaking in public or of going over a bridge and driving, you want to find a therapist  who specializes in the treatment of Anxiety Attacks and Phobias.

2.  There are many different techniques and types of therapy available.

  Ask the therapist questions about which ones they feel most comfortable using.  These are some of the therapies you can start asking about. Cognitive/Behavioral techniques, which are useful for beginning to change patterns using a change in the way you process information and creating new behaviors.  Some therapist still use talk therapy, this is helpful to gain insight but the drawback is that it can take many, many years to get results. Some therapists use Classical Hypnosis, which is great for relaxation.  Others use Ericksonian hypnosis and NLP, which speeds up the therapeutic process by getting to the root of whatever challenge you are facing. I believe a combination approach such as the Transformation System enables the therapist to use the best techniques from each modality. You have the right to know what issues the therapist specializes in as well as the techniques they use.

3.  Ask for an idea of how long it will take for you to start to feel a change.

And how the sessions are set up.  For example I start my clients with weekly sessions, then at the 4th session we move to every other week and then as symptoms are changing we move to monthly, then every 3 months and then as needed.

It is important to have a rough indication of how long it will take for you to notice results.  I do not believe that any therapist can tell you exactly how many sessions it will take to reach goals.   Since most of my referrals are through “word of mouth”  I explain that we work as quickly as possilbe to get results.  The unconscious part of the mind can create major changes for you in an instant, once the root of the problem is cleared.

In general most of my clients tell me that they feel new hope within their first session, and that they start to experience a change within the first 4 sessions. Many get total relief of symptoms within 10 sessions.  Although for some it may take more sessions to reach the goals. As a person feels better the sessions are spaced further and further apart, so the unconscious has time to continue the changes between sessions.

4.  What should you expect before setting the appointment?

Talk to the therapist on the phone before you set your first appointment. You’ll know when you have found someone you will feel comfortable talking with when the therapist patiently explains their system to you, and you feel respected from the first phone call.  Remember,  sometimes therapist get very busy seeing clients, so be patient and call at different times of the day to reach them in person.

Your have a right to  be told what to expect, in a way that you can understand.  If it seems the therapist is caught up in big words and fancy sounding systems ask for explanations. A good therapist will offer at least a 10 minute free telephone consultation.  During this conversation both you and the therapist will get an idea if there is a match, in what you desire and what they can provide.  It is appropriate to ask for any information about the system the therapist uses.  Most importantly you want to feel comfortable talking to the therapist, and they should be patient and friendly. Trust your instincts,  this is important you cannot get better by talking to someone who intimidates you.  But, it is also important to remember that a good therapist is usually a busy one, and may not be able to talk for long periods of time.

5.  How else can I get help?  About online groups :Webinar or TeleSeminars?

Anxiety Control Center offers presentations and workshops that can be done in a group setting.  Some are live and others are can be done in the comfort of your own home, using an online link.  You can ask questions an interact directly with the presenter in all of our workshops.  One of the benefits of a group training is the cost,   a lot lower than individual private sessions.    

We offer introductory workshops so you can get a sense of techniques that are available for anxiety relief and also get questions answered.

To get the link to the next introductory workshop, sign up to our mailing list here and also receive the Free Mind Calming Video Guide

6.  Once you find a therapist or coach with whom you are comfortable, schedule an appointment. 

Of course, I hope you call and schedule with us at the Anxiety Control Center.  We will help you to gain the tools you need to be freed from anxiety, worry and fear.
To learn more about using the wonderful asset of your own mind call 917-399-2102. 

 There are many therapists out there who can help you.  Don’t suffer with panic attacks, worry, procrastination, anxiety, migraines or IBS for one more minute!

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