Hypnosis for Anxiety Relief

You might want to experiment with a special type of hypnosis.

The mind has a great capacity for change.  Using a specialized form of hypnosis makes it easy to get into a trance state and you don’t need to relax to use it.  In this light inner focused state of mind it is possible to release negative emotions, heal old wounds and re-program new desirable reactions.

You don’t have to remain forever locked into reactions you don’t want.  If you are worried, have anxiety or panic I want you to know that it is possible to learn to use hypnotic techniques that will not only calm your mind and body – more importantly you can change the programming in the brain so the unwanted reaction is no longer triggered.  It is good to stop procrastination, self-blame, negative thoughts and give freedom from anxiety, fear, worry and panic.

In the video below you’ll get great ideas about using hypnosis

Since the mind can create worry, anxiety and fear
 it can also be used to reprogram reactions,
change negative images, heal old wounds,
and change old limiting beliefs.

If you are worried, have anxiety or panic you can learn to use hypnotic techniques.  People who have panic and anxiety are actually the best at using this type of hypnosis.   Hypnotic tools are one part of the 3-part system that is need to make panic, fear and anxiety a thing of the past.  To get lasting relief from anxiety, worry and panic it is vital to release the emotional blocks and programs that trigger these unwanted reactions. To do this there are specific hypnotic tools needed.  All the tools necessary Hypnotic, Cognitive, Behavioral, Energy healing and Emotional Release are included in Transformation System which was developed by Audrey Sussman PhD, director and hypnotherapist at Anxiety Control Center.   It is the best method because when the underlying triggers at the root of anxiety, worry, fear and panic are changed new more desired reactions can happen automatically.

Start now with the first tool:  Get the 7-minute Video Guide below.
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Do you want to do more than just managing to live with stress and anxiety?  You can actually learn how to change the faulty programming that is causing unwanted symptoms.  Imagine how it will be when your mind automatically shifts you aways from anxiety and takes you into a calm, resourceful state.  There is hope, if you’ve tried many things to get free and are still suffering,  this powerful Transformation System contains all the many different stress stopping tools, that will makes the difference.   So, stop just managing stress and join with a community of people who have made real inner change.

There are three ways start on the road to freedom from panic, anxiety and worry.
Do it yourself type tools:
1.  Start with one of the e-books written by Audrey Sussman PhD.
2.  Home study audio Course.
3. Or if you want to find out more about your specific issue sign up for a private consultation with Audrey. There is no charge for the 30 minute phone consultation, sign up by clicking the button below:
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The next part of this article answers the following five questions:
I.     What is hypnosis?
II.    Two types of Hypnosis?
III.   Problems with Classical Hypnosis ?
IV.   Specific tools for anxiety and panic relief.
V.    Tapping into unconscious information, who will benefit?


All types of hypnosis have some things in common.  The two main types of hypnotic techniques are Classical and Ericksonian hypnosis. Hypnosis is a process that uses an inward focus to look at what is going on underneath the surface of the conscious mind.  All hypnosis uses a trance state to make it possible to access and open the doorway to the unconscious part of the mind. The vast amount of  information we need to make lasting change, is held in the unconscious part of  the mind.  This includes our memories, beliefs and programs.

Hypnotic techniques make use of  our innate creativity and imagination to change our state of mind from the limited information of our conscious mind, to the part of the mind where lasting change can happen.  For people who want to stop anxiety, worry and panic a specific set of hypnotic tools is needed.

II.   Two Types of Hypnosis
One Works the Other Doesn’t 

When people think about hypnosis typically the type they think about is where a hypnotist puts the subject into a relaxed, trance state and then makes suggestions.     Hypnotic stage shows and hypnosis portrayed in movies are based on this type of hypnotic relaxation and suggestion.  One way to know it’s a hypnotist is using a form of  Classical hypnosis is when a counts down from from 10 to 1 is used.

Hypnotic suggestion can be a very powerful and valuable tool.  But it isn’t enough to stop panic, worry and anxiety and have it last.  In reality, no matter how well intentioned the suggestions given while in a trance state or how much the client wants the results,  over time the positive results are lost and the change is  undone.  Even when a person truly want the change, in order for the results to last, the inner mind has to be in total alignment with the change. This alignment needs to be both on the conscious as well as on unconscious level as well.   When there are any unconscious beliefs, or hidden coping skill, or programs (all set in childhood) that don’t support the change, then we will revert back to old behaviors. This is a major cause of frustration and self blame, but the fault lies not with the desire but with the type of hypnotic technique used.

                                            III.  Problems with Classical  Hypnosis
Problem 1.  People with anxiety do not want to feel out of control
(or under the control of another).
Problem 2.  Anxiety and worry make it difficult to get into a relaxed state.
Problem 3.  Even the best suggestions will be undone, if the underlying emotions
and triggers causing the problem aren’t healed or released.

Classical hypnotic relaxation skills are wonderful tools, but won’t be any more successful than cognitive and behavioral skills.    The only way to change the inner programming that causes panic, anxiety and stress reactions is to use tools for both the conscious and unconscious levels of the mind.

IV. Specific Tools for Anxiety Relief?

The system that works specifically for panic and anxiety issues, is part of a three-step approach that uses a form or Ericksonian Hypnosis, and combines it with NLP (neuro-linguistic programming), and  Cognitive and Behavioral techniques.  This way you can work on both the conscious and hidden programs that are at the root of symptoms of anxiety.  Accessing the unconscious level of the mind allows real and lasting change to take place.  And best of all no need to spend thirty to forty-five minutes to create a relaxed, trance state of mind.  Instead you can learn to use the innate creativity you already have, to quickly get into exactly the right state of  mind needed to release stuffed emotions.  And for panic suffers being awake and aware of everything that is going on is an added positive because you are a vital part of the solution, on the same the team with your hypnotherapist.

V.     Who will benefit from the skills in the Transformation System?

Anyone who suffers from anxiety, worry or fear can benefit from the specific type of hypnosis used in the Transformation System.  The more intelligent and creative you are, the easier it will be to learn to use hypnosis for anxiety and stress relief.

Think about this:  The human mind is so creative that it can make scary images and thoughts feel as real as if the feared situation is already happening.  The amazing power of the unconscious mind then creates all the chemicals needed to deal with what in the imagination seems to indicate a flight or fight situation. The cycle of negative future images leads to  fear, the body then creates the chemicals that would be needed to fight or flee.  And the cycle goes around and around creating distress, panic and worry.     One reason people who have anxiety issues are so successful using hypnosis is that they are actually using a form of self-hypnosis, unfortunately it is being used in the negative direction.   But with training, this very same creativity can be used to bring about calm, security and tranquility.  And best of all it is a skill that is easy to learn for those who are already creating fear about possible future events.

Since the mind can create worry, anxiety and fear
 it can also be used to reprogram reactions,
change negative images, heal old wounds,
and change old limiting beliefs.

We do not have to remain forever locked
into reactions we don’t want.

Therefore, if you are worried, have anxiety or panic
it is possible to learn to use hypnotic techniques
to calm your mind.

 A 3-part system is a vital part of the
panic, fear and anxiety relief system.

RECAP:  To make lasting changes, to stop panic, anxiety, worry, procrastination and fear necessary to use three-step system including a type of hypnosis based on the work of Dr. Milton Erickson.   When this type of hypnosis is combined with the newer techniques of NLP (neuro-linguistic programming), and older cognitive and behavioral techniques it then becomes possible to change the inner programs and emotional blocks causing unwanted responses and symptoms.

Want to start right away to calm the mind?
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