Hypnosis –How to go into Trance in Just Seconds.

Do you find yourself without enough time to relax and recharge? This simple self-hypnotic exercise will help you to develop a trance state, where your can re-charge and relax in just moments.

Trance can be learned quite easily.  If you are willing to practice just a few minutes a day you will find going into trance in just moments, is an easy thing to do. Today I’ll talk about an easy way to use your mind to create a state of trance.

Here is an easy to follow exercise on how you can do this in a short amount of time.  You can use this exercise whenever you have a few moments.  Waiting in line at the supermarket, on the bus, anywhere you have a moment to practice.  This can even be done with your eyes open.   Anywhere, anytime you have a few moments, take out this exercise.

To Begin Going Into Trance

Simply imagine a light all around you.  Whenever you have a few moments of time, just imagine that you are breathing in this beautiful light.  As you imagine the light surrounding you, you are doing what you do naturally, just breathing.  But this time you are creating a trance state, using your breath. With each breath you take in the light,  letting it totally fill your body and mind.

Don’t try to do this perfectly.  This is a practice and with each practice your level of trance will become deeper and easier.  When you look back at your day you’ll surprise yourself with how many practices you have.

Whenever you have a few moments of time, just imagine breathing in a beautiful light. When I do this exercise I change the color of light to see which one feels the best to me at the time.  Whatever color you choose is fine. In time, without any other effort, just practicing you’ll find this trance state will help you to re-charge or relax. Some other places you might practice are waiting in the doctor’s office, sitting in your office chair, anyplace you have a moment.

Get started today and before you know it you will be creating a state of trance.

Making The Trance More Powerful

If you want to make this even more powerful, keep a notebook with you during the day and make notes of how you would like to feel in certain situations. This can be used to enhance this exercise.  Imagine the light around you bringing the feelings you desire.

If you would like other exercises to calm the mind, I have a free video I can send you when you click the button below and sign up:
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Audrey Sussman PhD began her quest to find a way to get relief from anxiety and panic after suffering with panic for many years ago. Now she is a nationally recognized seminar leader and author. Years of study and practice lead to her creating the Transformation System for the relief of panic, phobias, migraines and Irritable Bowel Syndrome.