I still don’t feel hypnotized !

I had a client, I’ll call her Amy (not her real name), who came to the Anxiety Control  Center because of panic attacks and migraine headaches.  She is now free of migraines and panic no longer an issue, but that is not what this post is about.

I was thinking about her today because one of my new clients said to me  after an amazing session,  “I don’t think I was hypnotized.”

After 20 sessions Amy had met the goals she set for therapy, but every so often over the years  she would call me, just to say hello.  Each time I’d ask how is your head, and  she’d say of haven’t had a migraine in years.   But she would add “I still don’t think I was hypnotized,”  and we’d laugh.

This is one of the amazing things about using Ericksonian hypnosis instead of Classical Hypnosis, you can be awake and aware.  You might  remember everything you say and feel in complete control and yet by going to the unconscious part of the mind and working on the root of the issue it can still feel like a weight has been taken off your shoulders.

You don’t even have to believe in hypnosis for it to work.  With both Ericksonian Hypnosis and Neuro-Linguistic Programming you are in control,  aware of memories that come up, and you make the changes right there in the office.  Then you go home and notice what changes.    Sometimes months after releasing emotions a person will call me and tell me that something major has shifted.  This is because the unconscious continues to work in the background, making shifts in programming.

If you would like to become a part of the online coaching class where you can learn Ericksonian and NLP techniques, please  look at our sister site by clicking on this link.  It will take you top the Action Ends Procrastination site. But before you go there,  please sign up for your first mind calming exercise in the upper right side of this screen.