Learn to “see” things in a different way


Learn to “see” things in a different way

Hi, I’m Tish and you will be seeing regular posts from me.  I am a Hypnotherapist at the Anxiety Control Center and I have been helping people get relief from such issues as anxiety, panic, anger and health related stress issues for over 12 years.  I welcome your questions and comments, and look forward to hearing from you.

Our own minds can sometimes be our worst enemy, which is interesting because that is one of the very few things that we actually have control over. We don’t have control over other people’s behavior, the taxes we are charged, the weather and hundreds of other things.  We do have control over our thoughts. I have found that sometimes people get so focused on the negative aspect of situations that they can’t even believe that there may be a positive in it somewhere.  Sometimes people just need a little help, or reframing, to see that positive, And at times, I too, need some.

We recently moved and found that some of our furniture would not fit into our new house. One piece in particular was an expensive piece of furniture. It was well constructed of solid wood and was in excellent condition, so I decided to sell it.

It took a while, but I finally found someone who was interested and sold it.  I knew I was going to get a considerable amount less than I paid, but I didn’t expect to practically give it away.  So while I felt good that it sold, there was a part of me that felt like it should have sold for more money and I felt cheated.

I was telling my son this and he did a beautiful reframe for me. He said “well mom, you had it for15 years, so you really got your money’s worth.”  Once he said that, I felt a wonderful shift occur in my body, I did some quick math and realized that it cost less than a dollar a day to enjoy my beautiful piece of furniture. Less than a morning beverage at the local coffee shop!   And now, some other family is going to continue to reap the benefits of this beautiful piece of furniture.

So a reframe is simply another way of viewing a situation.  Many times people look at a situation and only see the negative aspect.  The meaning of a situation is a result of what each individual decides to focus on.  I was focusing on the loss of money. My son’s reframe actually had me “see” that it was, in fact, a bargain while I owned it.

Think of a recent situation that occurred where you felt a negative emotion and you may find that there are other ways to “look” at it that are actually positive.

I welcome your feedback and questions, and will write more on specific issues you send in.

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