Mind Expanding Exercise Step 1 – Setting Memory of Calm, Confidence, and Comfort

We had an amazing group of people at the Coaching call for “Freeing Yourself From the Shackles of Fear, Anxiety, & Feeling Stuck”.

The action plan for next week is to find a memory for calm, security or confidence. We’ll  be using this memory in a technique that will trigger the calm feeling whenever desired.

For my readers I decided to give you a quick overview of what we are doing, so you can follow along with with this action step.  To get coaching on this and many other calming techniques  I hope you will sign up for our next TeleWorkshop, May 5, 2010. There is still time to get in on this group.

Creating a feeling of security, confidence, and calm

A. First step for this is to have a vision or memory of the feelings you want.

There are two ways to do this: Find a memory from the past or to create a new memory or  “visualization” of a future event.

1.Find a memory from the past.
a.  Remember a time when you had the feelings of confidence, calm or comfort.
b. To do this just close your eyes and drift back to a time in your life, even a brief memory when you felt
confidence, calm or comfort.

2. Create a “new memory”.
a. To create a “new memory” we need to create a vision of what a confident, calm or comfortable day
b. The vision we create uses not just a picture, but also sound, and feelings.
c. To do that you use your imagination.

I’ll use an example from my online coaching group to demonstrate.

Example: The group member who is directing and producing a movie, could “see herself at an award ceremony”.   The famous actress she has in her film, walking to the stage to accept the award.  People congratulating her on her amazing movie, on a job well done.  She would step into that “future self” and feel the feelings as if she were there.

Group members working on relationship issues would create a different image.  One might see herself in the future, with her son hugging her in total joy, as he graduates from college.   She would step into that image and feel all the success as a parent, having brought up such a wonderful loving son.

Another person would in an airplane, off on an adventure, pleased that he now feels calm and relaxed. As he steps into himself he can feel the amazement that this is now so easy to do. Perhaps it would be a future image after having traveled successfully, many, many times.

Do step one.  Start by having some fun with this exercise.  We are using this to expand your mind to the positive side of your creativity. These images can then be used in later exercises for setting off a “touch anchor” or for another technique call  the “map across.”

To get more information on the online coaching group.  Go to action ends procrastination.

Hope to have you join us in this journey of self discovery.