Miraculous Changes for the New Year – Panic Free

Make 2019 be the year you become panic free!

I get a thrill each time I get a message letting me know about the changes my clients are getting.   Each year I get to celebrate with each of my clients who are now totally free from the anxiety, panic and worry that was getting in the way of their lives.

My real message is that I want to remind you that the credit goes to you.  The magic of what happens in our sessions actually comes from our efforts together.   You have the solutions to every problem within you, and part of  my job is to help you to find these solutions.

Many of you came in to my office not believing you could get freedom from panic, fear and anxiety.  And maybe you’ll remember my response: It’s OK to be skeptical until you feel the change, it will work even when you are skeptical.  You are proof that it does work! So as the new year approaches I want to thank you so very much for for deciding to become panic free and sharing your accomplishments and joy with me.

It takes a lot to come in for the first session and bare your soul about troubles you are facing. I am blessed to have your trust and the opportunity to share all the tools to be calm and panic free.

Choose to Be Panic Free in 2019.

I have worked very hard putting together a program that works so quickly.  And over the years my intuitive ability has also grown enabling me to be even better at getting to the root of issues.

Because people who have panic, anxiety, fear, worry are very creative and intelligent,  some clients tell me I must be a magician, yet it is truly a team effort that makes all of this possible.

Each time you thank me for giving your life back, I wish to say back to you, that you deserve to be proud of your success and life changes.   I am thankful for having the opportunity to work with you to create these miracles.

Free Private Consultations, Open Schedule for 2019

I now have openings available for my Free Discovery Consultations. This where new clients are able to discuss the issues they are facing and the goals that they would like to accomplish in our sessions.

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I invite you to take this opportunity to sign up and select a date & time for us to discuss the best options available for you.

Happy New Year and look forward to our talk.

Audrey Sussman PhD