Negative Thoughts Destroying Your Focus?

This article is about ways to create a positive, focused state of mind.  Although originally written for golfers, anyone who finds their mind racing with disconcerting thoughts will be able to use this information. Make sure you read to the end to get two powerful, mind calming exercises.

Golf is like life, what goes on at the golf course reflects what happens in other areas of life. The golf course can be a place to hone your skills or take a break from the pressures of work. But, when an uninvited guest tags along it can turn what would normally be to an enjoyable experience into a draining one. I’m referring to the critical “voice” that runs in the “back of the mind.”  The thoughts that ruin your focus and that get in the way of optimum performance.  These unsettling thoughts act as a negative mantra.

Most of us are familiar with positive mantras, which are enhancing thoughts and images that help us sail towards goals.  But negative thoughts can also act as a mantra. You might be conscious of the thoughts or unaware of them.  Either way they lead in an undesired direction creating stress, anxiety, procrastination, doubt in your abilities, and even over-eating and guilt.

If you have a negative mantra running you’ll know because it takes the joy out of life.

You change negative mantras.  You can start the process today with this simple action.   Next time you get annoyed, frustrated or stressed, stop and “listen” for the thoughts playing in your mind.

This simple act of “going inside” and listening actually changes your “state.”  At first it may take awhile to become aware of negative mantras, but with time and practice, they will begin to emerge.  Recognizing a negative mantra is the first to changing it.

There are many techniques that can be learned to quickly reprogram negative thoughts.

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