Nerves Be Calm Breathing Technique

I’m so happy to share another technique that I learned at a retreat I attended.   

I recommend that you start with the Video Guide for Calming the Mind and then add the next technique to your tool box of stress relief skills.


    • Sit up straight or do this standing up. Just make sure that your lungs are not constricted in any way
    • Place the tip of your tongue on the roof of your mouth and keep it there throughout the exercise
    • Breath out all of the air in your lungs through your mouth
    • Inhale through your nose – 4 counts
    • Hold your breath – 7 counts
    • Exhale slowly through your mouth – 8 counts
    • The rhythm of one round of breathing is this:
    • Inhale 1-2-3-4
    • Hold 1-2-3-4-5-6-7
    • Exhale 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8
  • Immediately repeat 2 more times (3 rounds total)

Do not do this more than 2-3 times per day at first.  After a few days of practice, you might want to try 4 rounds, with 10 rounds being the maximum per sitting.

If you can, drink lots of water afterward.

Some people feel the calming effects right away.  Others have the opposite effect at first and then the system calms down after repeated use of this technique.

When to Use:

* Before sleep to relax
*Upon waking to bring oxygen into your body
Before doing anything you may have anxiety over
After an event or thought that induces anxiety

The Magic Toolbox is what we develop with different anxiety relief tools specific for each clients issues.  Knowing that you have tools to bring down anxiety in the moment gives back control over your mind and body.  And it’s great to have this Magic Toolbox to refer to where you can pick and choose the tools that will work best in any situation.  And it’s only one small part of getting totally free of anxiety, panic and worry.  The three part system is what creates the reach inner change, and then the tools are good to have and not need – since you just aren’t having panic or anxiety anymore.    My 3part system has helped thousands of  successful, creative people to get free from anxiety, panic, worry and the symptoms that get in the way of living life with ease.  

Audrey Sussman PhD works with successful people from all different walks of life: helping overworked and overwhelmed business owners, screenwriters, actors, entrepreneurs, teachers, therapists, doctors, artists, and this list goes on and on of the people who are now totally free from anxiety, worry and panic.    If you get stressed, have panic and worry and don’t know where to turn I hope you will check out the programs on my website or sign up for a consultation to talk about your specific situation.