NeuroScience Proof That Hypnosis Works to Stop Anxiety

This isn’t an article about science.  It’s really about information that will give panic suffers hope.  Why is it important to know about NeuroScience?  It’s  important because we now have proof that hypnotic techniques can be used to change the chemicals the brain sends that  trigger anxiety, panic and procrastination. NeuroScience has made some really important discoveries about the brain and its ability to grow and change even in adulthood

Science has now caught up with what I have known and what my clients have experienced,  hypnotic and NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) can change the neural pathways in the brain.   

As the director and hypnotherapist at the Anxiety Control Center my research in the past 30 years has proven that the brain has the ability to create new patterns.  When new patterns are set in it is possible stop the symptoms of panic, anxiety, procrastination as well as physical ailments such as migraines and bowel pain (IBS).  So we already knew what NeuroScience is now saying, the brains neurology (programs) can be changed.

What is NeuroScience?
Neuroscience is a branch of psychology that gives us a way to understand how new neurons connections in the brain can lead to new desirable patterns.   The exciting thing about that is that for years it was thought that once we reached a certain age our brain was fixed no longer able to create new connections.   

Since our reactions are determined by the patterns (brain connections) set in childhood the reality of being able to create new neural connections means that totally new desirable reactions can be formed: this is called neuroplasticity of the brain. 

So what is Neuroplasticity?
It is the brain’s ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections.  And it now can be seen that this can happen throughout life. Neuroplasticity is also what allows the neurons (nerve cells) in the brain to compensate after injury or disease.  Neuroplasticity (the changing nature of the brain) allows the brain to adjust chemical signals in response to new situations.  This is really exiting because that means if you know how to create new patterns using hypnotic techniques the brain will be able to trigger the new responses.  So instead of triggering anxiety or panic the brain  can learn to trigger calm and focus.   

We can change the neural triggers we also change the subconscious programs and patterns that aren’t working in our lives.  The concept of neuroplasticity is not new.  The reason it has become a hot topic is because scientists can now use magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to see that this incredible changing ability of the brain is happening. 

For me it was not important to have the scientific information, since the proof was always the fact that my clients were able to learn to speak the language of the subconscious to change the chemical connections in the their neurology.  When this is done it follows that it changes the patterns that were causing  symptoms of  anxiety, worry, procrastination, fear and limiting beliefs.    

While it’s true that your brain is much more plastic (easy to change) during the early years and capacity declines with age, plasticity (ability to change patterns) can happen all throughout your life.

It’s always a big win when science confirms what people already have experienced. The next step is understanding how to help the brain to change the patterns that trigger symptoms and responses that are getting in the way.   More on how to use neuroscience and hypnosis to change your mood coming up in the next article.  

Start changing the brain chemistry by claiming the Calming the Mind Video. This is a 7-minute downloadable video where I show you how to use the first mind-calming technique.  It’s easy to learn and anyone can do it.
Use it for two weeks to help you to quiet your body and mind.

Set up a consultation to learn more about neuroplasticity and how hypnosis can change you for the better. Send me an email using the form below:

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