Nine Step Solution for Anxiety Relief

Nine-Step Template For Reducing Anxiety
and Calming the Mind

Step 1. Acceptance
It’s OK to feel whatever it is you are feeling.

Non-acceptance causes you to blame yourself for the feelings.  This self-blame intensifies the emotions. To help to stop judgement for having the feelings remember there is always a trigger or you wouldn’t be having the feelings.

Step 2. Recognize
Your body and mind are connected.

The way the body signals that an emotion has been stuffed, is with bodily symptoms. A pounding heart, churning stomach or tension in the body are all symptoms. Symptoms let you know there is something that needs to be healed or an emotion that has been (repressed) stuffed down. A  scary thought causes your body to respond as if the scary thing is already happening.  The body then reacts with physical symptoms.  There are many tools that can be put to use to calm the body and mind, use these 9-steps today and notice the changes.  

Step 3.  Breathe
Take a few deep breaths or get the video guide using the link below.

click here for the Mind Calming video guide.
After using the new breathing pattern that is taught in the video you’ll find it easier to use the next steps.

Step 4. Curiosity:
Become curious about what your feelings/emotions are trying to tell you.
Use the following two questions to help you get to underlying information.
Question 1:  I’m curious what the emotion is about?
Question 2: What is this fear and anxiety about?
Remember: Symptoms are only the tip of the iceberg of emotions. It is the repressed memories and future fears that trigger your reactions.

Step 5.  Don’t try stop the feeling.
Instead take a moment and take a deep breath. As you focus on your breath, close your eyes and let the unconscious part of the mind connect the feelings you are having. Can you remember memories that had similar feeling from the past. This is the beginning step.  With guidance you can learn to use a hypnotic technique that opens up the unconscious memories. Once you get to the root it is possible to re-program unwanted reactions.  

Step 6. Three types of tools to bring anxiety down.

Step 6. Use one of the tools to bring anxiety down.
There are tools that will help to stop negative thinking.  Tools to calm the body and tools to heal old stuffed emotions.  

Different anxiety relief tools.
1. Conscious-mind tools to stop negative thinking.
2. Physical tools to calm the body
3. Tools to release the old stuffed emotions that trigger unwanted reactions. 

Start today with the Mind Calming tool a 7-minute Video Guide – it’s an amazing way to change the brain pathway to move you from anxiety to calm and serene.  

Step 7.  Your unconscious mind holds the solutions for every symptom.
Symptoms are just the way your body tells you that there is something that needs to be paid attention to or healed. Start by being curious about what your body is trying to tell you.  Think back over the last 3 days, did any upsets happen, did you stuff-down any emotions ?  (anger, sadness, disappointment).

For 30 years I have showing my clients how to get find the answers and to get free from anxiety. There is no need to suffer alone.  Start with these tips and call if you’d like to join one of our groups or get individual help.

Step 8.  Focus – On a positive thought.
It can be as simple as:  I’ll handle whatever happens.  And it’s true you do handle it.

Step 9.  Acceptance not Self-Blame – Quick tip
This is one of the most vital steps because acceptance will set you on the path to relief.   Self-blame will add to stress and anxiety.  Use this quick tip. When feeling anxiety you might think about this:  Feelings are the way my body lets me know something needs to be paid attention to and healed.

It won’t be helpful at this point to ask why you are feeling anxious, or to try to find a logical reason for what you are feeling.  Accept for now that symptoms are your bodies way to let you know there is something deeper to be attended to.    

1. When anxiety hits, use the nine step template.

2. Calm your mind and body by practicing with the Video Guide.
These steps will put you on the path for getting anxiety reactions under control.  

The 9-step method offers a small sampling of ideas for dealing with anxiety and stress.    To make the change easier call for more information for ideas for your specific situation.  Team up with an experienced hypnotherapist at the Anxiety Control Center and get a plan for getting freedom from anxiety, worry and fear that is getting in the way of things you want to do in your life.    

 Start today with either a consultation
or by checking out our Home Study Course
 to stop anxiety, panic, worry and procrastination.

  Set up a free consultation.

Start right away with the Mind Calming Video Guide below: