Panic Relief is Possible

This month a number of letters and emails came in, from our clients, thanking the hypno-therapists at the Anxiety Control Center for their help in getting their “lives back”.   There were many similarities in what people said, so the following are bits and pieces from different emails and letters. I hope what our clients are saying will help anyone suffering with panic, fear, or worry to reach out and seek help in the New Year.

What our clients are saying:

I’m writing this for two reasons.  First to thank you for all the help you gave me in getting my life back and second to let others know you have a program that really helps.

I called the Anxiety Control Center because I was having panic attacks.  I was scared of dying because my heart was pounding and my chest was so tight.  Even after going to the ER and being told I was fine, when an attack hit, I still believed it was a heart attack.  I  started to avoid things, even those I love to do. I got  my life back in six sessions.

I’ve now use my “inner power” to stop the worrying and fear.  It’s beginning to be automatic. Sam R.

I think one of the most important things that I learned was to use hypnotic and NLP exercises to identify the underlying feelings that were leading to my panic attacks.  For me it was hidden or as you say repressed feelings of sadness and inadequacy.  It turned out that these repressed feelings were manifesting as panic. Once we uncovered the origins of those emotions it seemed to me things began to make sense.  I didn’t think it would be possible, but we were able to release the feelings that were weighing me down.   RS


When I first came to see you I didn’t totally believe your program would work for me.  Even though you told me that many people feel this way, I still was afraid that for me it wouldn’t turn out that way.   At times I wasn’t confident in the process or in myself. And you were right it didn’t matter, even with my doubts,  it still worked.    When I afraid that I couldn’t use hypnotic techniques, or that my mind wouldn’t be able to go back and find the roots of my panic, somehow you were able to help me have faith in myself and you kept me on track.  I thank you for your faith in me.  A.B.


I now know how powerful my own mind can be; even when the doctors told me I was healthy, it was powerful enough to make me feel I was about to die.  Now I can use my natural creativity to change the thoughts and fears so I can once again live a happy and productive life.   I’m not comfortable using my real name because this is private for me. And the people who know me wouldn’t believe that I could have suffered with panic.  But if it is OK, I’d l like you to let others see what I’ve written so perhaps this will help someone to have to courage seek help.    K.D. (changed for privacy)


Last night my 10 year old son Matt and I worked on the 5-4-3-2-1 technique you taught him.  I remember you said it was an exercise to help him to quiet his mind, and that many people use it for falling asleep.  He used it when his mind was racing and was able to stay in the “present moment.”  WOW!!!   It enabled him to focus and concentrate.   We did it again this morning and he said it,”makes him feel relaxed but not sleepy”   THAT’S A BIG DEAL!!!!   Looking forward to the next session. THANK YOU!!!  Ann  (Names have been changed for privacy)

You Too Can Change Your Life!

The Anxiety Control Center’s Transformation system is a program designed specifically for people suffering with panic, anxiety, fear, sadness, procrastination, anger, migraines and stomach/bowel issues.  Our clients have found lasting relief from these issues using our system.  The “magic” happens because we have found a way to  combine both Ericksonian and Classical hypnosis with Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Cognitive /Behavioral techniques.  This combination makes relief possible even after years of suffering.

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