Questions About Hypnotherapy

Here is the first in our series of weekly posts to answer your questions about hypnotherapy.
Keep sending your questions to

(Excerpt from email)
Dear Dr. Sussman,
I thoroughly enjoyed your seminar this Saturday and would love to meet with you for a consultation. . .
There were also a few questions I was unable to ask at the seminar. . .


If you fall asleep during a hypnotic therapy session do you wake us in order to move forward, meaning is there an awake participation that is required throughout the therapy session?


During the hypnotic work we will be doing, you will be awake and aware, just in a slightly altered state so we can access information from the unconscious.  It is similar to when you are watching TV and you’re “in the action” so to speak,  but if someone asks you for the time you would be able to respond easily.


Do you practice EFT at all?


I am familiar with EFT and do some techniques that are similar.  But, I like to be able to “see” what is changing, and discuss it with you.  There is a lot of interaction as you watch the changes happening in the old emotions.  Your be amazed as new learnings, and beliefs are incorporated on your time line, all the way to “the present.”


My insurance company allows for so many visits a year for mental health, would this be a part of that? Do you submit to any insurance companies?


As for insurance, the way we work it you pay as you go, then you submit a receipt to your insurance company and they reimburse you, whatever your plan provides for.  We can give you some codes so you can check with your insurance company.  HMO type insurance typically does not cover.


Are there any books that you recommend? I already had written down your book, the Power of Thought.


There are many great books I recommend.  I am happy that you felt stimulated to continue your education, that was the second goal of the workshop on Saturday.   As we work together I’ll talk to you about specific books that you’ll find helpful in continuing your education about he power of your own mind.

Some books are very scientific somewhat technical, and others are helpful and easy to read.  And of course many along the spectrum.  My newest book “More than Stress Management” will be available in e-book format September 2013.  And the paperback should be out in the stores mid-December 2013.  other books  “Power of Thought, untold secrets of the unconscious” and “Stress Relief in 10 minutes” can only be ordered through the Anxiety Control Center at this time.  For a scientific type of author look of Ernsest Rossi. For books on NLP look for either Bandler or Grinder, they have some great books on NLP.  We we speak I’ll give you names of books and authors that are specific to your needs and learning style.


There are many more easy to learn techniques
to quiet the mind.

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