Reducing Stress – triggers for stress

Question:   Is there anyway I can reduce stress without doing self-hypnosis or trance?

Answer Part 2:
A stimulus that causes stress for one person may not even create a ripple for another person.

What triggers a stress reaction might be outside your awareness. For example an old song playing on the radio can bring back memories of an old love, which then can trigger a reaction.  The reaction can come hours after hearing the song or it can happen so quickly that you don’t even realize what caused the reaction.  The reaction might be positive, or be touched with sadness or anger.

A certain scent in the air can stimulate a reaction, the smell of cookies can trigger a good memory of mom cooking for the holidays, or one of stress if you family was in a state of turmoil during the holidays.

Many triggers for stress are external (or outside of yourself).  Examples of external triggers can be a new addition to the family, in-laws coming to visit, life responsibilities, a new job, loss of a loved one, problem at work or financial problems.

Stress can also be triggered by something happening within us (internal) triggers. For example when you feel your stomach churning or your heart pounding even if you don’t know why, the physical symptoms can be the stimulus for worry.

Tomorrow I’ll talk more about this and give another exercise for stress  reduction.

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