Shut down the inner critic that creates self-doubt

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Transcript of audio: I’m so happy that you’ve chosen to join me for this podcast, we’re going to be talking about breaking free from the inner critic that causes anxiety, stress. That inner critic that blocks your creativity, passion and your true wonderful self. 

Do you ever get stressed,
feel stuck or feel like there is
something blocking your true potential?

If you answered yes, you’re going to be delighted that you are listening to this podcast. Because today we’re going to be talking about ways to:
1. Create a state of mind where your creativity flows naturally and easily.
2. Ways that you can free yourself from the patterns, triggers and blocks, that get in the way in your career, relationships and in life.
3. We’ll also be talking about what is needed to step on a new path.  One where fear doesn’t get in your way.

What types of fear get in the way.  (Even successful people have some of these fears).
a. Fear of being judged (what will people think). 
b. Fear of failure  (what if it’s not good enough)
c. No able to stop the mind racing with worry.
d.  Fear of speaking in public, social events, flying, of having a panic attack or presenting at a meeting.

4. It is possible to release those fears, so that you can feel calm, balanced, curious and passion taking on new challenges.

The steps for today
1. Start by looking at you where you are in your career in your life and your relationships.
2. Begin to take an inventory of
 what is and isn’t working in your life. When you identify what’s getting in the way of your being your true self you can then use different types of tools to change unwanted patterns.
3. In the first exercise you’ll be doing something really easy not trying to believe or to make anything happen

Before we do that let’s start by taking inventory of where you are now.
Write down answers to these questions:

What things are going just the way you want in your life?
What are the obstacles (the emotions, patterns reactions) that get int he way of your goals and dreams?
Extra bonus Exercise: 
Rate the different areas of your life on a  0 to 10 scale
0= things are terrible – I don’t know how to fix this – not all all happy with the way things are.  All the way to 10 – (delighted, not blocked at all)
Rate the different areas of your life on the 0 – 10 scale.
Your physical body
Your health
Emotional reactions such as:
Anger, fear, worry, panic, self-doubt,
Joy, passion, motivation, confidence
3.  Once you identify things that are getting in the way, we can begin to experiment with a variety of techniques and tips to get free of the obstacles.

Circle for Changing unwanted reactions: Tools to: 

a.  Calm your mind (tools to create serenity, focus and clarity).
b.  Relax and balance your nervous system – changing your physiology.
c.  Release the
triggers that cause fear, worry, anxiety, stress, feeling stuck, and procrastination.

Tools and Techniques for Anxiety Relief:
Listen in to the podcast (in this article) for more information

In the podcast Audrey goes
over some of the really important things you’ll want to know:
a. How to set the foundation for success.  Learn how to get  into the best state for learning anything new.
b. Experience using easy self-hypnotic techniques in a fun way.
c. Learn why mantras and visualizations can fail to produce the desired result.

Who is Audrey Sussman PhD.  Audrey is a hypnotherapist and the
Director of the Anxiety Control Center for
30+ years. Audrey developed the Freedom for Panic Program that has been giving her private clients total freedom from Panic and anxiety (without any medication).  Her newest program is a self-guided video series called: Anxiety Relief in 90 days. And her mini-programs offer easy to use tools for instant relief. 

Some things to know:  If you’re feeling anxiety and panic and you think you can’t be hypnotized there’s a form of hypnosis, that works for the most logical, intelligent and creative people. In this type of hypnosis you can be totally awake and aware, and yet in a bit of an altered state needed to get to the unconscious programs getting in the way of calm, balance and serenity.

Transcript: Beginning meditation using self-hypnosis: If you feel comfortable you can just allow your eyes to close. The only reason to do that it’s easier to focus within with your eyes closed. If you choose to keep your eyes open, then just look at a spot, above eye level somewhere in the distance, whatever place you’re in.  We’re going to use the breath is kind of like a touchstone – so if thoughts come into your mind  . . . just going to go back to your breath. That’s going be your touchstone.  Not trying to change anything at all.  At this point, you’re just doing a body scan looking for any areas of tension, not trying to make anything happen.  For the full meditation listen to the podcast in this article.