Stop Negative Thinking the Easy Way

Today I will repeat the post from last week and then give my answers:

The following is a question I received from Pete (factitious name).  He came to see me for hypno-therapy recently, after years of struggling with frustration, and feeling stuck.   In the next few days I will post some of the answers and exercises I suggested to Pete’s request for help.

First a little background about Pete: Over the years he’s gone from therapist to therapist in an effort to get back in control of his life.  Although he has great insight into where the problem comes from, it hasn’t changed his feelings of helplessness.

Many of my clients come to see me after going for different types of therapy,
(talk therapy, cognitive, behavioral and even classical hypnotic therapy).
Many come in with great insight
but still suffering or not getting the changes hoped for.

Gaining insight can be helpful in gaining an understanding of why you react the way you do.  But insight alone typically isn’t enough to correct the reaction. The reason that persistent problems can not be solved using the conscious part of the mind is because the root of problem, is held in old unconscious memories.

When a problem persists I teach my clients how to get to the core of the problem and make the changes at the root where the problem actually lies.   By using the Transformation System I developed, which included two types of hypnosis, NLP in combination with Cognitive and Behavioral therapy, clients and go deeper into the unconscious where they can unravel what holds unwanted reactions, and patterns of behavior. When emotions are released it is not necessary to try to change things on a conscious level.  Releasing emotions at the root of a problem brings true lasting change, without any conscious effort.

Learning to combine self-hypnotic techniques of Ericksonian and Classical Hypnosis with NLP has proven to be the answer for my clients.  The unconscious is the place where old emotions and limiting beliefs can be healed giving true, lasting relief.

The following is the question that Pete sent to me yesterday.

Pete’s Question: I find that when I am beset with anxiety and fear I feel two things:
1. helpless to do anything and
2. angry at that helplessness.

At that point I have a choice what to tell myself, but I come up empty.  I have been helpless in dealing with my strong emotions for most of my life, and when they come on me I don’t know what to do.  Even as I am seeing the emotions and telling myself that I am experiencing them and knowing where they came from, at the same time I feel intensely helpless and my free will eroded.  How can I talk to myself in those moments?

My answer:

Dear Pete, I have a number of ideas that you might find useful.  When we get together for our next session we will look at the specifics of the event where you felt beset with anxiety and fear.  By looking at the actual event I can show you how to go deeper and find out what is going on, in the sub-conscious (unconscious) level of your mind.  By going to the unconscious we can get to the root of the helpless feeling.  Once at the unconscious we can unravel the problem at this root and release the old limiting beliefs that have been holding you back.

It will amaze you that after clearing old negative “junk” that new positive feelings and learnings will automatically move up into your daily life, freeing you to be your wonderful true self.

We talked of the years of frustration you have had trying to fix this type of problem, on the conscious level.  You’re correct, just having insight doesn’t fix the problem.  Trying to change reactions on the conscious level is a very time consuming and difficult way to get true lasting relief.

I will send you an exercise I posted on my blog for changing negative thoughts, is a good place to start until I see you again and we can work on the unconscious level.  I am so glad that we have begun to work together; recognize you have just started on the path.

I’ll attach the directions for you, at the end of this note.  Please let me if this is helpful to you

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