Stop Negative Thoughts Using The Rubber Band Snap

Rubber Band Snap Technique:
This technique described below is a great first step, there are more advanced tools for getting completely free from fear, worry and anxiety. And once the deeper unconscious triggers are changed you won’t need to use the rubber band snap technique. But in the beginning of changing patterns that cause negative thoughts it will prove very useful.

Stop Negative Thinking.  
Use the Elastic RubberBand Snap.

1.  You’ll need a rubber band or elastic band.  Keep it on your wrist so it is there at all times.  You don’t want to be searching for a rubber band in the middle of a panic attack.  Also keep a bottle water available for hydrating your body.

2. Whenever an unwanted thought enters your mind:
a. You pull the rubber band and let go, so it snaps on your wrist. Please watch the video for the full directions.
b. You need to feel the snap but it should not leave a red mark.

3. This snaps you back from the scary thoughts to the present moment.  In the present moment there is no fear –  more on this in the video.

4. Next, you shout the word STOP  (you can imagine saying STOP in your mind.  Or say it out loud if you are alone.)

5. Then, think of a big red stop sign. See the big letters spelling out the word STOP.  See it in your mind, notice what color the word stop is.

6. Take a deep breath. If you have downloaded my FREE Mind Calming Video Guide, use that one because it works great with the rubber band snap.

7. Take a sip of water and say that feels better.  You are giving a message to your unconscious mind so say it no matter how you feel at the moment.  The unconscious part of the mind hears the message and reacts with different types of chemicals.  This adds to the process of having you feel more relaxed.

The Rubberband Technique in the video above is just one part of my 3-Part system… you’ll also want to use my ‘Tapping Away Anxiety’ technique to calm your mind and relieve any stress throughout your day.  Learn more here: Tapping Away Anxiety


Additional Ideas You Might like:  
1. Get a journal. You will find it useful for keeping track of thoughts needed to uncover the triggers.  And you will want to have it to look back on to see the changes you’ve made.  Use the journal to write any questions that come up when using the tools.
2. Whenever an upsetting thought comes into your mind,  jot it down in the journal.  Write down any thoughts without judgment, without any need to figure out why you had the thought.  Just write down any thoughts that create havoc in your life.   These notes will be useful when you learn the more advance methods for tracking the thoughts to the underlying roots that trigger them.
3. If you are part of the home study or in private sessions with me – we will be working together to change the thoughts, to get to underlying roots and  to heal old traumatic memories, causing your mind to race with fearful thoughts.  And you can refer to other articles I’ve written at the website.

REVIEW: Use the rubber band snap to stop the negative thoughts that cause worry, self-doubt, fear and procrastination.  This is a really powerful step.  Second step – changing your breathing pattern – see the video guide below.

Get this Powerful Free
Mind Calming Video Guide:

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And best of all once you watch the video it will only takes 60-seconds to go from anxiety to a calm state of mind.  I created the 7-minute video guide for calming the mind so you can follow along with me.  This is one of the tools and part of the second steps for panic and anxiety relief. 

Notes: There are actually 3-steps needed to get completely free from negative thinking, anxiety, stress and panic.    In my other articles you will find information on tools that work on the  deeper roots of anxiety, fear and panic.  With these tools we can uncover the triggers and release the stuffed emotions you will find that the thoughts will no longer haunt you.  So in the rubber band snap the second part needed to get totally free from anxiety, worry and stress.

If you are ready to work together to free yourself from anxiety and stress then
Sign Up for a Free discovery session
  and learn how to
break free from anxiety, panic and fear,
without medication!
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