How Stuffed Emotions Cause Pain, Self-Doubt and Procrastination

You Can Stop Worry, Pain and Fear
Use the Mind-Body Connection

Have you wondered if stress is the cause of your bodily symptoms?  What I have found is that the body and mind are connected.  What happens in one part will affect the other parts.

For example: When you stuff down a feeling of anger, worry or fear – it doesn’t just disappear. It gets stored in the body. Over time, as the emotions continue to be pushed down they accumulate. Each of us has a different part of the body where we stuff emotional upset. That is why some people have stomach or bowel issues, whereas others will feel pain in the back, head or chest.

Stuffed Emotions Build Up Over Time

It is the accumulation of stuffed emotions that trigger bodily symptoms and reactions. If you have ever found yourself blowing up after a small upset, or felt a gut wrenching feeling after someone hurts your feelings, this is a sign of an accumulation of stuffed emotions that volcano out of control.  This overreaction isn’t your fault, the reason a small incident triggers a severe or unwanted reaction is that it isn’t just one situation you are responding to.  It is the whole chain of emotions that get triggered. Sometimes these stuffed emotions have been collected all the way back in childhood.

You’ve probably heard the saying, “that was the last straw”.  After saying this a person will go on to tell you of how that small thing triggered a major blowup. This is a perfect example of emotions that have been accumulating and then the smallest distress triggers a reaction, way out of proportion to the upset.

When stuffed emotions lead to IBS, stomach, head pain or other bodily symptoms, it is the way your body signals that something is off kilter. I have seen my clients get instant relief from stomach and other pain using cognitive-behavioral-hypnosis, because when we clear the accumulated emotions the body is freed of pain.

Repressed and stuffed emotions can also lead to a racing mind, anxiety, procrastination, worry, overwhelm, insomnia and feeling stuck.

Release the Traumas to Get Free of The Symptoms

Once cleared it is possible to change unwanted patterns. I’ve been helping people with my Transformation System using Cognitive-Behavioral-Hypnosis for 30 years. It gives us a way to communicate directly to the unconscious part of the mind.  The unconscious is the part of the mind that holds your memories, as well as the solutions.  This is the part that needs to be accessed to in order to release emotions that are at the root of bodily symptoms of pain.  Over the years working with people I have had the joy of helping people to get relief, even from the terrible burden and pain of Fibromyalgia.

Symptoms are not the cause but the result of something going on underneath the surface of conscious awareness.  That is why it is almost impossible to get lasting change with just cognitive techniques.  Since symptoms are just the tip of the iceberg, we need to go deeper of the underlying stored emotions to get lasting change.

Getting to the Root of the Problem

One technique that is useful to get to get relief from pain, is to use the feeling of pain to track back to the very first event where emotion was stuffed into the body causing pain.  We call this the root of the problem.  In a light trance state unconscious information just seems to pop into the mind.  then it is possible to heal the pain at the very root event.    Even if you aren’t aware (on a conscious level) of anger, sadness, hurt or other stuffed emotion your unconscious mind does have a record of it.  The unconscious part of the mind holds the answers to true cause of the many types of physical pain.

Releasing the emotions held since childhood is actually a very quick process, once you know how to talk the language of the unconscious mind.

RECAP: Procrastination, fear, worry, and panic represents just the tip of the iceberg. What is really important is below the surface of conscious awareness. Using the Transformation System gives us a way to access the unconscious and release old stuffed emotions and re-program unwanted reactions.  It is possible to get lasting relief from trauma, sadness, anger, worry, panic, sadness, guilt and fear.

 How to know if
underlying stuffed emotions are affecting you?

If you feel:

Anxiety, Worry, Fear
Frozen or Stuck
Difficulty focusing
Heart pounding, Racing Mind
Overwhelm,  procrastination
Pain, IBS, Migraines

Stuffed Emotions Are Getting in Your Way

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