Tag: about the Anxiety Control Center

  • Get Free From IBS, Colitis or Crohn’s

    Get Free From IBS, Colitis or Crohn’s

    Getting Relief from IBS, Colitis and Crohn’s is possible.  Audio tips for the relief of pain, worry and embarrassment of IBS and gut distress. I’ve created an audio series and will be adding them in the next few weeks.  Stay tuned for tips, discussion and ideas on how to break free from IBS, Colitis, Crohn’s and gut…

  • Quick Solutions to Stop Phobic Reactions: Fear of Needles

    The video below gives some quick tips for taking the fear out of a phobic reaction. Client Question: Is there a way to desensitize myself from my phobic reactions to blood and needles? At work today a person came in with gauze and tape on their elbow.  I felt that instant panic in the pit…

  • Questions About Hypnotherapy

    Here is the first in our series of weekly posts to answer your questions about hypnotherapy. Keep sending your questions to askdraudrey@gmail.com (Excerpt from email) Dear Dr. Sussman, I thoroughly enjoyed your seminar this Saturday and would love to meet with you for a consultation. . . There were also a few questions I was…

  • "2 for 1 Exercise" to Stop Stress in its Tracks

    There are many ways to reduce stress.  In the  following exercise we will be changing negative thoughts and images to change the anxiety/stress  cycle.  By making changes using the conscious part of your mind,  you can begin to re-program your reactions.  The beauty of this exercise is that it can help change old patterns of…

  • Panicky Feelings – A Gift From the Unconscious?

    I received the following email from one of my clients.  After 30 years helping people with anxiety and panic I continue delight when I get these notes: “I just had to send you a note. I drove back to work on the highway – haven’t done that – alone – in at least 3 years!!!…

  • Are Negative Mantras Interfering With Your Life?

    Unhappy With Your Life? It Could Be Negative Mantras. Dr. Audrey talks about Negative Mantras Have you ever doubted yourself or been hesitant to speak out when others have ideas in conflict with yours? Have you ever procrastinated because you were afraid you just couldn’t do something perfect enough? Have you ever wondered why people…

  • Sleep Problems

    Sleep Disturbances Tossing, turning, watching the clock for hours – is this how you sleep? The harder you try to sleep, the more elusive it becomes. You’ve tried everything and are still awake. You are frustrated because you really want a restful night’s sleep. Worse yet, during the day you are tired. There is hope!…

  • Why do we need to have rapport to get our needs met?

    Rapport Hello again, I’m Tish one of the hypno-therapists at the Anxiety Control Center. I’ll be writing today about everyday occurrences and the importance of using rapport skills to get what you want.   Something happened today that really reminded me once again of how important rapport can be. This is actually a two- part post.…

  • Dealing with Fear and Anxiety

    It’s amazing the things I hear every day in such common places as restaurants, bookstores, or even in the doctor’s waiting room.  There are so many people out there who suffer from panic attacks or know someone who does.  Just the other day, I overheard a conversation between a few women, one of whom couldn’t…

  • Using NLP to change Stressful Thoughts

    I hope you have been practicing the “2 for 1” exercise from last week, write to me at askdraudrey@gmail.com and let me know how it is working for you, I welcome your questions.  This week we will start by discussing a technique that can very quickly change  feelings, and even change pain, just by changing…