Tag: calm

  • Can Anyone Be Hypnotized?

    Dr. Audrey Talks Hypnosis Have you ever wondered if you can be hypnotized?   The truth is that almost everyone can be hypnotized.  In over 27 years of practice as a hypnotherapist I have found that anyone who is able to keep an open mind, and wants to be, can be hypnotized. When clients first come in…

  • "2 for 1 Exercise" to Stop Stress in its Tracks

    There are many ways to reduce stress.  In the  following exercise we will be changing negative thoughts and images to change the anxiety/stress  cycle.  By making changes using the conscious part of your mind,  you can begin to re-program your reactions.  The beauty of this exercise is that it can help change old patterns of…

  • Panic Relief is Possible

    This month a number of letters and emails came in, from our clients, thanking the hypno-therapists at the Anxiety Control Center for their help in getting their “lives back”.   There were many similarities in what people said, so the following are bits and pieces from different emails and letters. I hope what our clients…

  • Healing PTSD, Anger and Limiting Beliefs

    Today I’ll be giving more answers to the people looking for help with anger, abuse, old hurts and fears. The questions will appear below with short answers woven into each case.   Even the deepest most upsetting, traumatic memories can be healed.  Reactions like anger and rage can be changed.  When we change the “response” at…

  • How to Choose a Therapist

    HOW TO CHOOSE A THERAPIST There are many therapists and many specialties. So many in fact, that it might seem a daunting task to choose one.  To make this important task easier, follow these simple steps. 1.  Seek a person who specializes in the issue you are dealing with.   If you have anxiety, panic attacks, …