Tag: hypnosis

  • "2 for 1 Exercise" to Stop Stress in its Tracks

    There are many ways to reduce stress.  In the  following exercise we will be changing negative thoughts and images to change the anxiety/stress  cycle.  By making changes using the conscious part of your mind,  you can begin to re-program your reactions.  The beauty of this exercise is that it can help change old patterns of…

  • Sadness and Fear: An Exercise to Get Relief

    The following is a question I received from one of my clients.  It mirrors what so many people with anxiety feel that I decided to give a technique that I haven’t talked about in a while.  It is different type of solution and one that is worth using.  The people who have experimented with it…

  • Loneliness and Grief – 10 ways to free the mind from grief

    In my last article I shared a note I wrote to my dad when he was grieving and suffering the passing of a loved one.   In this article I’m sharing some other thoughts about my dad, my philosophy and about using the mind to relieve some of the sadness of loss. I’ve also included a…

  • Loneliness and Grief

    I received a phone call this week from a person suffering from a tragic loss because of a car accident.  I told her I would post about my own path in dealing with grief. First I offer my deepest condolences and I hope something in what I am writing today will in some small way help…

  • Is Hypnosis Right for Me

    Dr. Audrey talks about Hypnosis. Here’s an excerpt from my teleseminar: Of course, the question remains: “How do I know if Hypnosis is right for me?  And what do I do if it isn’t?” What many people ask is: “Can I be hypnotized?” This is usually followed with the statement: “I’m a very logical, scientific,…

  • Panic Relief is Possible

    This month a number of letters and emails came in, from our clients, thanking the hypno-therapists at the Anxiety Control Center for their help in getting their “lives back”.   There were many similarities in what people said, so the following are bits and pieces from different emails and letters. I hope what our clients…

  • Tips for Panic Suffers: Dealing with Weather Alerts

    If you are reading this today, my guess is that the power is still on or you’ve found a way to connect to the internet.  We will not have power for a few days, but all is well and there are lots of places open where I can plug in my computer and write to…

  • Hurricane Alert: How Panic Suffers Handle Real Crisis With Calm

    News of the possible weather can be terrifying to anyone listening. But, if you’ve been suffering with panic / anxiety attacks you already are very familiar with the terror and fear.  As the rest of the country listens to the news of the upcoming storm, they are only getting a small glimpse of what it…

  • Anxiety Relief – A Partnership with Your Hypnotherapist

    Are you suffering with panic, fear or worry? Have you tried many things but still haven’t gotten relief.  It’s not your fault.  The reason anxiety issues don’t react to many cognitive exercises is because the problem lies deeper, in the unconscious part of the mind.  And Cognitive Exercises only deal with the conscious part of…

  • Healing PTSD, Anger and Limiting Beliefs

    Today I’ll be giving more answers to the people looking for help with anger, abuse, old hurts and fears. The questions will appear below with short answers woven into each case.   Even the deepest most upsetting, traumatic memories can be healed.  Reactions like anger and rage can be changed.  When we change the “response” at…