Tag: hypnosis
Simple techniques for stopping worry
There are many different techniques that can be used to stop worry and the stress that results from it. Choosing the most effective one depends on which part of the stress cycle you are in. For today we’ll talk about using your thoughts in a different way, this is called the cognitive part of the stress/relaxation cycle. …
Are some people more prone to worrying than others?
Some people do seem more prone to worry than others. There are many different ways that people can respond to events happening in the world they live in. An event that hardly creates a ripple in one person’s life, can completely distress another person. Have you ever found your thoughts spinning off into all sorts…
Testimonial from coaching student
The following was an email I received from one of my coaching students. When we started in the online coaching course 4 sessions ago, this client hadn’t been out of the house because anxiety was so great. She found her life limited in so many ways and her self concept was at a low. Although…
Is there a wrong way to practice hypnosis?
Question: When first learning to use hypnotic techniques how do I know if I’m doing it right? Many people at first worry about doing new things “right.” That is true for using new techniques in hypnotherapy. I usually tell my clients there is no wrong way to use any technique. Very creative people at…
Do I have to believe in hypnosis or the unconscious for the methods to work?
Over the next few days I’ll be responding to questions people ask about hypnosis, panic and fear. Question 2: Do I have to believe in hypnosis or the unconscious for the methods to work? No, you don’t even have to believe that it can work. If you are skeptical about hypnosis, it is usually easier…
How does it feel to be Hypnotized?
The next few posts will answer common questions that people have sent in about hypnosis. Question: How does it feel to be hypnotized? Each person experiences hypnosis differently. After experiencing trance the first time many say it feels like a deeply relaxed and refreshing experience. Others might say they didn’t feel like they were hypnotized.…
Getting relief from queasy stomach and panic.
This post is a continuation from May 4. A client called me asking for some help with her fear of throwing up. She told me a bit about what happened to cause her upset and fear and we were able to track some the the panicky feelings to thoughts she was having. The things she…
Fear of Vomiting – Getting Relief from a queasy stomach
This post is about getting relief from a queasy feeling in the stomach. A client called me today asking for some help with her fear of throwing up. I’ve seen her for a few sessions and she is doing much better in many areas of her life. But when she feels her stomach start to…
Compulsions can be changed using the mind
Continued from 4/30 post When you say “don’t do something” your unconscious mind forms a picture of exactly what you are saying not to do. The more Russell thought about not swearing, the more his mind pictured him swearing. This is what led to his feeling as if his mind was compelled to do exactly…