Tag: nyc hypnosis

  • Social Anxiety, 3-Steps to Connect with Ease.

    Tips for connecting with calm in social situations?The audio below is from one of my online workshops with tips for single introverts.  It has some easy tips you can use to create calm and joy in social situations.  These tools are helpful to anyone who wants to trigger the feeling of calm, or confidence. In the audio below you’ll get…

  • Anxiety, Social Worries and How to Feel Comfortable in a Crowd

    The members of our Single Introvert Group came up with some wonderful questions and we created some tips on ways to stop the fear and worry that gets in the way of being your true self in social situations. Start with a simple change in your breathing pattern. Experiment with this new breathing pattern and…

  • IBS, Colitis and Crohn’s: Hypnosis & NLP For Quick Relief

    Suffering with Stomach Pain? Relief is Possible I work with people who are suffering with the symptoms of irritable bowel, Crohn’s or colitis. I developed the system that you can learn so you can break free from the worry, urgency and pain.  And best of all without medication.  Many people who find their way to my therapeutic door tell…

  • Nerves Be Calm Breathing Technique

    I’m so happy to share another technique that I learned at a retreat I attended.    I recommend that you start with the Video Guide for Calming the Mind and then add the next technique to your tool box of stress relief skills. Instructions: Sit up straight or do this standing up. Just make sure that…

  • Shift Your Mind From Anxiety: Moving Towards Your Goals

    Marci Fedor and Audrey Sussman PhD chat about ways to get out of anxiety. Listen to this fun chat between Audrey and Marci as these two professionals help their client to use NLP and hypnotic techniques to shift the mind quickly from anxiety to focus, calm and relief. Chat 1 –  How to facilitate a shift 1.…

  • How to Stop Negative Thinking

    How to Stop Negative Thinking

    So many people wish they had a way to stop their mind from racing with thoughts.  In this article and the audio below, you’ll get a number of tips on tools that you can use stop thoughts that cause stress, embarrassment, anger and self-doubt. Questions from a client: What do I do when I start…

  • The Purpose of Worry

    The Purpose of Worry

    Audrey Sussman PhD works with successful people who get stressed, procrastinate or feel overwhelmed.   She helps them to transform the inner-critic that causes anxiety, procrastination and worry, into a positive life enhancing guidance system that automatically triggers calm, creativity and motivation needed to move forward with ease. Learn to Stop Worry, watch the video to learn more:…

  • Taking the leap. Tips for achieving any goal.

    Taking the leap. Tips for achieving any goal.

    Many times people get stuck and feel frustrated when they procrastinate or just don’t move forward on goals that are important to them.   The video below gives some easy to follow tips about setting yourself up for the most powerful feelings,  ones that will propel you easily towards your goals. Audrey Sussman PhD works…

  • The Shut Off Switch That Stops Fear and Worry

    The Shut Off Switch That Stops Fear and Worry

    Have you ever wished you had a shut-off switch that stops worry, anxiety and fear from churning in your mind and body? In this article we’ll discuss some tools you can use to stop thoughts and images, that trigger worry and anxiety. And, when you learn how to use these tools it’s like having an automatic…

  • Getting Relief from Worry

    Getting Relief from Worry

    The Secret To Getting Relief From Worry You have a special gift inside of your own mind, just waiting to be opened.  It is one you can learn to use to stay in control of your state of mind, no matter what is going on around you. This secret is what Viktor Frankl used that…