The Purpose of Worry

Audrey Sussman PhD works with successful people who get stressed, procrastinate or feel overwhelmed.   She helps them to transform the inner-critic that causes anxiety, procrastination and worry, into a positive life enhancing guidance system that automatically triggers calm, creativity and motivation needed to move forward with ease.

Learn to Stop Worry, watch the video to learn more:

This was taken in Costa Rica where Audrey Sussman PhD goes each year to give Screen Writers new ways to increase focus and flow that enhances their inner potential.  In the clip we are discussing how to stop procrastination by releasing blocks that limit potential.

Would you like to have a system to:
1. Calm a racing mind in just seconds, without medication?

2. Give you the blueprint for setting any goal, so you can’t help but achieve it?

3. Learn how to re-program your own unconscious so you no longer feel stuck, procrastinate, or have worry that drains your energy?

4. And have a way to have all of this set on automatic?

Then I have simple technique that you’ll want to know about.

Sign up here for my FREE Mind Calming Guide to get started.
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