Unconscious Mind Protector or Stress Producer

Sometimes it seems that out of the blue anxiety will strike.  For example, there you are relaxing or perhaps taking a walk, watching a movie, talking on the phone or working and all of a sudden out of nowhere comes a feeling that terrifies you and starts your heart pounding.

If this has happened to you, you probably questioned why these feeling were coming up when nothing fearful was going on.  You might have worried that there might be something physically wrong.  When this happens again and again it can make you even question your sanity.   At these times it does feel like your own mind is working against you, creating stress and fear when “nothing fearful is going on.”

Many of these fear reactions come from the unconscious part of the mind.  One reason for this is that the unconscious mind holds all of your emotions from every event in your life.  It is as if there is a video recording of every memory or event that has emotion attached to it.  So at times when fear hits, seemingly “from out of the blue,” it is because one of those old repressed memories has been triggered.  The fact that you aren’t aware of the trigger makes it even more frustrating, because it then feels out of your control.

Many memories attached to emotions such as, embarrassment, grief, sadness, shame, anxiety or anger are repressed or pushed down into the unconscious.  It is almost as if the child’s mind is saying “I can’t deal with this now, so I’ll push it away till I’m older and I am able to do something about it.”   So there you are, an adult and up comes a feeling of fear or anxiety that was attached to the long forgotten memory.   Unfortunately most of the time we aren’t aware of the memory itself, only the feeling that gets pushed up into consciousness.  And it seems as if the feeling comes from out of the blue.  One thing I have found is, there is always a trigger, even if it is too small for you to notice consciously. Something always triggers emotions.  The trigger can be a thought moving so quickly through your mind that you don’t notice it, it can be a scent, a song on the radio, or even the tone of voice someone is using.

The same part of your mind that holds all of these repressed memories and uncomfortable emotions also holds the solutions to getting free of these feelings.   The unconscious part of the mind holds a reservoir of untapped resources waiting to be tapped into.     The trick is to learn to unlock the inner reserves of power, confidence, calm, serenity, energy and wisdom.   These are held within your own unconscious mind, there for you to tap into.

One of the most powerful ways to unlock the wisdom of the unconscious mind is to learn to use self-hypnosis and trance.  The reason to learn to gain this altered state of mind is that when you are in a trance state it is possible not only to access you inner potential but also to release old repressed emotions that cause pain, fear and other limits in life.

Hypnosis has been around for centuries; many times it has been surrounded by mystery, with just a bit of coaching you can learn to take the mystery out of self-hypnotic skills. By tapping into the vast resources of your own unconscious mind, you can move past old trauma and other deeply rooted emotional issues.

Even after 25 years in practice it still delights me when my clients are amazed at the changes they are able to make, after just sessions using self-hypnosis.  One of my clients described her experience as “totally life changing.”  She realized that she was in a trance state, and yet she also felt awake and aware as she transformed a traumatic, painful event into one that no longer sparked any reaction.

I believe that one of the best parts of using self-hypnosis is that you are an active part of the process of change.    If you want to begin the process of self-hypnosis, I have two easy to learn exercises you can use to start the process.  They are simple to learn yet they provide powerful benefits when used daily.  To receive your copy of these exercises:

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these 2 MIND CALMING Exercises
will be available for a LIMITED time, so be sure to get them now.