Why Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Isn’t Working for You

Cognitive and Behavioral Therapy
Doesn’t Heal the root of Panic Attacks

Most of the people call the Anxiety Control Center want a way to stop  panic attacks, worry or fear.  Many people struggle for years before finding their way to my therapeutic door.  And most tell me that although have found excellent therapists that helped in many other ways, it is still struggle living with panic, a racing mind and worry.

In this short article and the audio above, I wanted to let you know that panic can be a thing of the past.  And the reason why cognitive and behavioral therapies aren’t enough for lasting change.

How to Make CBT Work

In the 30 years I have been helping people I have become an expert in helping people to get true inner changes that lead to the relief from panic, worry, migraines and IBS.  What makes the different is the three part approach called the Transformation System, and it is the only way to get lasting relief from panic and anxiety issues.

I know this approach works because my clients get better and most of my practice is from referrals from happy clients. One part of the system I use, is to heal old negative programs, the ones that run in the background of the mind.  To do this I teach you how to use a form of hypnosis, where you are awake and aware, yet in a state of mind where we can access information stored in the unconscious part of the mind.  Cognitive and Behavioral techniques are part of my system, but only a very small part of what makes it work.  The three parts of the Transformation System make it possible for the mind to automatically move from anxiety to calm in just seconds.

Hypnosis, CBT and The Body All Work Together

I did the audio above that you can listen to because a client read an article and then called me fearing she couldn’t get lasting change from panic.  Let me tell you about my client Marie (name changed). When she came to me she was unable to work because of the severity of her panic and the exhaustion that went with it. After a number of sessions she was back to work, first part-time and as she felt the positive shift in her energy she took a full time position.

Although the symptoms of panic, fear and worry had lessened we knew there was still more to do so she could resume living her life the way she wanted.  But, Marie is a person who is highly intelligent and likes to have as much information as she can get, she researches everything.  This can be very helpful and she even sends me articles she comes across that I might find of interest.  And so far so good.  Unfortunately she came across a number of articles that said panic issues never really go away.  The article she found led her to believe that even when you are doing better the panic will eventually recur and once again create havoc in life.

After reading this article and finding others like it, she began to fear that the panic was in just in remission and feared it would eventually come back. Of course this thought stimulated sadness and more anxiety.

Although the reality of feeling better, with more energy, being back to work, and seeing her ultimate goals in sight; she believed that she couldn’t really get truly better.  At this point she called me, very upset because the research she found indicated that even when symptoms go away, they will recur.  What it came down to was that she read about panic and the research she found caused her to believe that panic is a recurring problem that can’t really be fixed.

This was the basis of her fear.  Since she was starting to feel better she was afraid that if the research was correct panic would overtake her again.

We talked about why the research she found didn’t pertain to what we were doing. The research that caused her fear was using only a Cognitive and Behavioral approach to panic.

The 3 Part System

I agree with the research, because that is all a person does, then it is correct. As soon as a person stops using the skills and tools, it’s true the problem will resurface.  This is why it is vital to work deal with panic and anxiety issues using a three part approach.  Once that gets to the underlying roots and not just making the changes on the surface.

The  research she found didn’t pertain to the combination approach I developed called the Transformation System, where lasting change is possible.

Once I explained this very important difference she said, “Audrey you have to tell others about this.”   Anyone who researches on the internet is going to think that they will always suffer.  So I made a quick audio which gives a short sketch of what we discussed and about the three part approach.

If you haven’t already, please listen in at the audio at the beginning of this article!

If you are ready to experience the transformation system and get rid of anxiety and panic once and for all, please schedule a Free Consultation with me and I would be happy to explain the best ways for us to work together.

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