Why use Hypnosis for Panic and Anxiety Relief?

Why would a person want to use hypnosis for anxiety, panic or stress relief?  One reason is that hypnosis works quickly, even with long standing issues.  You might wonder how hypnosis helps?  Hypnosis helps you to go into an inner directed state, also called a trance state.  The trance state enables you to gain access to you own very powerful unconscious mind.

Who’s In Control During Hypnosis?

Since I specialize in helping people with anxiety, panic, and phobias and most of these people do not want to feel out of control. I use a type of hypnosis where my clients can be in total control, even when in a “trance” state.  Even while awake and aware a person can use self-hypnotic techniques to get to the very root where the patterns of reacting with anxiety and panic, are stored.

Hypnosis Can Help – and Fast!

You might be wondering why it is important to use a trance state.  For most people the programs that determine our reactions to life are set up before the age of 6.  Since we have gained more information since the age of 6 it is worthwhile to be able to access and correct programs that aren’t working anymore. In order to do this hypnosis is used to develop an inner directed or trance state.

Learn an Quick & Easy Way to Calm Yourself Using Your Breath

You can learn how to easily get into a trance state.  The easiest way to start the process is to change your breathing pattern.  As you can do this easy breathing pattern it helps you to shift effortlessly into a trance state.

Start here, and watch the Mind Calming Video Guide. This video explains the breathing technique that will help you become calm and relaxed very quickly:

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Audrey Sussman, PhD, LCSW, LMHC, NBCCH
is a hypnotherapist with offices in NYC.
She specializes in helping people to get relief from
panic, anxiety and stress.
Her years of research and practice led to her development of
the Transformation System
which combines Cognitive and Behavioral therapy,
with Neuro-Linguistic Programming
and two types of Hypnosis for almost “magical” relief.