Anxiety Relief – A Partnership with Your Hypnotherapist

Are you suffering with panic, fear or worry? Have you tried many things but still haven’t gotten relief.  It’s not your fault.  The reason anxiety issues don’t react to many cognitive exercises is because the problem lies deeper, in the unconscious part of the mind.  And Cognitive Exercises only deal with the conscious part of the mind.

So, if you’ve found that no matter how many times you tell yourself that “everything is OK”, or remind yourself that there is “nothing to be afraid of”  and the fear reaction continues to run, it’s because the exercises are for the wrong part of the mind.    This creates more frustration, which then leads to more anxiety and feeling bad about yourself.

My Ultimate Freedom from Anxiety System

The “program” for panic or anxiety reactions is not a “conscious” one.  Using exercises for the conscious part of the mind where you remind yourself that there is no logic to your fear, may give some relief, but gets undone by the underlying issues that cause panic.

Trying to fix panic on a conscious level is like trying to fix a glitch on your computer without going to the “memory” where a faulty program is stored.  In order to change panic reactions we work not only on the conscious level but also and more importantly on the unconscious (programming) level.

In partnership with your hypo-therapist at the Anxiety Control Center you will find it is possible to change old programs and patterns that aren’t working for you.

How hypno-therapy is different from other types of therapy, Watch the video to learn more:

Why talk-therapy doesn’t work – for panic and anxiety

Where you can get your questions answered for lasting relief

I offer free consultations to discuss my methods to getting lasting relief from anxiety and stress. Click the link below to sign up and schedule a date and time:
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