Hypnosis the answer? Stop anxiety, worry and panic

What is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is simply an inward focused state of mind. When you find yourself thinking about a past event, or are having a conversation in your mind, you are already experiencing something similar to a light hypnotic trance. When you alter your state of mind in a purposeful way to accomplish something that is called hypnosis.

There are many different ways to create a hypnotic state.  According to what you are trying to achieve the altered state can be very light or very deep.   The easiest way to alter your state of mind from an outward one to an inner focused one is to change your breathing pattern.

I have a video demonstrating how to use this technique. Sign up here with your email and I will send you a link to the video: www.anxietycontrolcenter.com/stress-breath. 

Who will achieve the best results for clearing up a problem using hypnosis?

People who are highly intelligent and creative make the best hypnotic candidates. But, anyone of at least average intelligence who wants to can learn to use this skill.

Why are people who have anxiety good candidates for hypnosis?

If you can do anxiety, panic or worry you are already using your mind to create a trance state. Therefore you will be able to learn to use the same techniques that create anxiety to create calm. I have been helping my clients who have anxiety, panic, fear, worry, post traumatic stress issues to use their own mind to create a positive hypnotic trance state. And once the mind get adept at going into an altered state it is possible to release stuffed emotions that weigh heavily on daily activities.

Is hypnosis safe? The video below explains:

Do you want to learn how to use your mind
in a powerful and healing way?

Start by watching my mind calming video guide, it’s a simple breathing exercise that works as the first step in gaining control of your mind.
Sign up with your email and I’ll send you the link to the video:
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