Is Hypnosis The Answer ?

*** There is a specific type of hypnosis
for getting free of  anxiety and panic 

One of the questions I hear from new clients is, “will hypnosis work for me?”  The answer is yes!  But, there is a specific type that works and one that will not.

Why Classical Hypnosis is not the answer.
In my 30 years working with panic and anxiety I have found that classical hypnosis (the type that calls for relaxation and calm) won’t be enough to get freed. Ok, I’m not saying that classical hypnosis isn’t a wonderful tool for relaxation and calming the body.

A BIT ABOUT CLASSICAL HYPNOSIS: This is not the type I suggest for panic and anxiety.  Since it is the type people are familiar with I want to talk a bit about it first.  Classical hypnosis is what the impressive  stage hypnotists use, where it appears that the “all powerful” hypnotist is causing people to do funny or embarrassing things.

Classical Hypnosis can also be used as a wonderful way to teach the body go into a relaxed state.  But the problem with this type of hypnosis is that for people with panic, worry and anxiety it can be really difficult to relax. And even if you could get to a calm, relaxed state it doesn’t get to the root of what is triggering anxiety or panic.  More than relaxation and releasing stress is needed to get free of anxiety, worry and panic.

The good news is that there is a type of hypnosis that does work, and thousands of my clients have used it to get totally free from anxiety, worry, fear and panic.

Why classical Hypnosis doesn’t work for panic and anxiety.

1. The difficulty with this type of hypnosis is that for people with panic, worry and anxiety it is really difficult to get into a relaxed state of mind.
2. And, to make matters even more difficult as a person tries to relax and finds they can’t, it creates additional tension.
3. What is needed to get totally free of anxiety, worry and panic is a lot more than relaxation.

What type of hypnosis is used to get free of panic and anxiety?

The type that gets to the root of where the symptoms are coming from.  And when you combine this type called regression hypnosis with NLP (Neuro-Linguistic-Programming) you can actually change the programs that were triggering panic, anxiety and worry.  Regression hypnosis gives us a way to find and then release the hidden triggers that create most unwanted reactions.

And best of all you can use this type of hypnosis in just moments to get to the root of what is triggering the reactions –  all without the need for getting into a relaxed state.  And there is a wonderful side effect that many of my clients find after doing regression hypnosis,  the body feels lighter and calmer, without any conscious effort.

 For more information the audio below answers some of the questions that people have asked about  hypnosis and how to use it to get freedom from anxiety and panic.

For deeper issues of trauma, and old stuck patterns most find that having someone to guide you is the fastest and easiest way to  get lasting relief.

My specialty is helping people to get free from panic and anxiety.  Year of my research and practice is what led to the creation of the system I use called the Freedom from Anxiety and Panic Solution. Even people who have a difficult time relaxing, and those who don’t want to feel out of control can use this solution to get free of symptoms.

There are 3-parts to this solution for lasting relief from anxiety.
1. Knowing how to instantly change negative thoughts – (cognitive part)
2. Having tools to change bodily reactions. (Physical part)
3. Using regression hypnosis and NLP to change unwanted inner programming that is causing you to get stuck on old patterns. (Emotional/unconscious part of the solution)

Start today with one part of the solutions
with the Mind Calming Video Guide –
Sign up for it here

If you have any questions and would like to set up a consultation, please email me using the form below:

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