Moving from Stuck to Powerful and Self-Confident

What keeps us stuck.  We want to be our true authentic selves, but the stories we create in our own mind can make us feel bad about ourselves.  When we care about doing something really well our fears start to rattle our cage. Fear of being judged can lead to feeling unworthy and not good enough. This can happen to anyone, even the most successful people at times can believe in the negative stories their mind creates.  The stories multiply and lead to being weighed down and not at our best when taking on new challenges.   

For most of us there are deeper roots to the negative stories our mind creates.  The deep feeling of not doing something good enough, or not being enough start in childhood –  and they can be changed.  When we are in the negative story cycle the stories feel so true that we believe them and our body responds as if they are true.  The mind creates chemicals needed to fight or flee and this adds to the anxious mind feeling, which is not the best place to be when we want to be our true wonderful self. 

Today we’re looking at how to overcome the negative stories that get in the way of relationships and life. Learn how to use the really powerful technique I’ll describe to create a transformation and shifts in a real life situations.   Experiment with using the Fact/Story template you hear about in the audio that goes with this article.  As you use this template you’ll be creating new stories that will enhance you self confidence, and create a uplifting effect on you body.  Use this when taking on new challenges or at any time when the stories that move through your mind aren’t enhancing to your well being.  

In the clip attached you hear a real life demo where one of my colleagues asks me to show her how to use the FACT/STORIES Template.  She was amazed when she shifted from feeling not as good as others as a speaker, to feeling a complete shift in excitement on taking on a new challenge.  This simple shift in thought made it feel so real that her whole body changed from stressed and down on herself to feeling free and capable. 

Audio clip on shifting from Stuck to powerful

To get Kicking the Anxiety habit in 4 steps click here.