Serenity, Peace and Love in the New Year

Happy New Year

As this new year begins to unfold
my wish is that you find inner peace and serenity.
That your inner desires come true.
And that you take the steps
to go for what is truly important to you in life.

As I was writing this post my phone rang.  It was my wonderful, caring brother calling to wish me a happy New Year, and to say he hoped all my dreams would be fulfilled.

He started talking about setting goals.  This was just what I was writing about.  I told him how interesting it was, that just as I was writing about taking a moment to set goals, he called to make sure I was taking care of setting goals for my own happiness.

So I stopped with what I was writing and decided to share my brother’s words with you.

He said “Audrey, make sure to set goals for what you want this year.”   Because he knows how I typically can become so busy  – he urged me to be sure I set some goals for myself, outside of what goals I enjoy doing for others.  Something for my own happiness and fun.

It is good for my soul to have a brother that looks after me.  Someone reminding me to take care of myself.   He knows how we easily get caught up in all the important parts of life and how we can  forget to do something for our own personal happiness and fulfillment.  He went on to say, ” Audrey, set the goals and do it. ” We only have the time we have, do things now!

It is true life is short  no matter how long you have, it’s still over too quickly.

As many of you know my dad passed away a few years ago.  One of the gifts  my dad left me with was to enjoy life.  He was a man who did things, he lived life to the fullest.  Even in his last years when his health wasn’t as good, he still found things he wanted to do and accomplish.  He never tired of learning something new, even when his mind wasn’t as clear as it used to be.  He accepted it as a part of life, and did what he could, instead of being frustrated that he couldn’t think on the same level he did when younger.

So, I found the gift in his words when I remember to cherish the time I have here on this earth.  When you lose someone you love, it can be a time to recognize that now, is the time we have.

I’ve done some soul searching looking into myself to see what I want to add to my life.   I’ve made a decision that for the new year I’m going to do things that will enhance my health.  No matter how busy I might be my goal is to start my day with a simple stretching routine.    I’ve written it down, 10 minutes a day. I can already imagine how keeping this goal will be at the start of next year, with my body limber and healthy.

To enrich my mind, in addition to researching and designing new and better ways of treating panic, stress, fear for my clients, I’m also determined to learn a new language.   I’m setting aside 15 minutes a day, I’m dedicating myself to tackle something that hasn’t up to this point been successful for me.

As you can see I’m starting with small amounts of time.  In this way I won’t “talk myself out of it”.   I’m setting my goals so I can’t help but succeed.

So in the new year I send you my love and wish you health, serenity and joy and all the best in your life. Please, write down a few goals for yourself.  Now, while you are thinking of it.  Take some action step.

In light of the new year –  take a moment and think about what you would like to accomplish in this new year.

  • Write it down – Be specific about what you want
  • Answer the question “How will reaching your goal be for you?”
  • Include what will be different in your life once you have accomplished your goal.
  • What will you be able to give to others, once you have this goal.

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