Can Anyone Be Hypnotized?

Dr. Audrey Talks Hypnosis

Have you ever wondered if you can be hypnotized?   The truth is that almost everyone can be hypnotized.  In over 27 years of practice as a hypnotherapist I have found that anyone who is able to keep an open mind, and wants to be, can be hypnotized.

When clients first come in to deal with issues, many times they tell me that since they are strong willed, they don’t think they’ll be able to be hypnotized.  I think this belief comes from stage shows, or movies where the hypnotist seems to have control over the “subjects.”

But, therapeutic hypnosis isn’t about letting someone else have control.   It’s about learning how to use your mind in a different way.  You can even hypnotize yourself! A simple way to look at hypnosis is as an inner-focused state.  Intelligent, strong willed, creative people are wonderful at getting into a hypnotic state.  This is a state where they are in total control. If you were ever driving somewhere and then suddenly realized you arrived at your destination without remembering the trip? Then, guess what? You were actually in an inner-focused hypnotic state.

How Can I Be Hypnotized?

There are many different hypnotic techniques.  It’s like being given a set of keys that can be used to open the door to solutions held in your own powerful mind.  Once you have the different keys to the unconscious mind you can choose which ones work best for the issues you are dealing with.

Of course it is easiest to learn with the guidance of the skilled hypnotherapist, but many powerful hypnotic skills can be learned on your own.

The same mind that creates anxiety can be programmed to instead move you towards calm, security and power.

Many people with panic and fear come to my offices as a last resort.  They’re sometimes disappointed that they had tried hypnosis elsewhere and it “didn’t work.”  It may not have worked in that instance, but that doesn’t mean that they can’t use and practice hypnotic tools.

Even my most skeptical clients have been delighted and amazed at how quickly they were able to make self-hypnosis part of their solution and change the things that weren’t working in their lives.

Working With A Skilled Hypnotist

There are so many different ways to get into a trance state, and so many different “keys” that can be used to unlock the door to the inner-mind.  When first going into trance, I guide my clients into the state by responding intuitively to them and using methods that help ease them in. As you learn to use these powerful techniques the positive results are so great, that it is definitely worth the time it takes to learn.

For people suffering with anxiety, trauma and panic, it works best not to use the relaxed state technique of hypnosis.  (Although at times people feel profound relaxation as a by-product of the work we do.)

My clients are amazed at how quickly they can go into a trance.  You might wonder how being they weren’t able to use hypnosis before? First part is that they find it so easy because no relaxation is needed.  And the second part is the skill of the hypnotherapist.  Sometimes it is just matter of teaching people to ask the correct questions that will help to gently guide their own mind.  Once learned, hypnotic techniques can be used to access a creative part of the mind, where solutions are stored, or to tap into resources necessary to re-program old patterns.

Relaxation is not necessary to get to the root anxiety, panic, fear or worry.

But there are 3 things that I find ARE necessary for success. My clients are easily able to use hypnosis because they do the following 3 things:
1.  Be curious.
2.  Keep an open mind, even when skeptical.
3.  And to truly want to overcome the issue they come in with.

We have created what seem to be miraculous “cures” when a person commits to those three things.  I teach, guide and inspire my clients so we can work together. The best results come when both hypnotherapist and client work as a team.

Together we figure out the puzzle of the mind.  And together we adjust the pieces to automatically take them to their most productive selves.

Hypnosis is one very powerful way to use your mind.  It is part of the Transformation System used at the Anxiety Control Center to help people find the answers to living a fuller and more complete life.

If you want to make changes, there are 3 ways you can do this:

  1. I offer a Home-Study Course to learn the powerful tools that I use with my private clients. More information is available when you sign-up here:
    Home Study Course – Moving From Stuck to Free
  2. You can download my E-Books, one is for Anxiety Relief Techniques and it’s only $2.00, I want to make sure these techniques are accessible to everyone who needs them. You can also find my other books here: E-Books for Stress Management & Anxiety Relief
  3. Call or e-mail me and we can set up a private consultation, free of charge. Use the pop-up in the right hand corner of the screen, or simply fill out the contact form below:

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