Category: Procrastination
Stop Worry, Procrastination and Self-Doubt
Have you wondered why you get stuck and procrastinate, even when you really want to move forward on a goal? For most people it is a natural response, the more you care about doing something well, the more stress that can get attached to it. The stress that gets us stuck comes from old wounds…
Stop Procrastination and Worry
Quick Tip: Steps To Stop Procrastination Small Changes Make Big Differences Have you found yourself procrastinating on things you want to do? If so, you are actually using your creativity, unfortunately in the negative direction. A creative mind can come up with all sorts of reasons and thoughts about scary outcomes, why it won’t work,…
Stop Worry, Fear and Procrastination for Business Success
Listen below to this FREE 10-minute audio by Audrey Sussman PhD, with tips on how to stop worry, and create more success in your business.
How Stuffed Emotions Cause Pain, Self-Doubt and Procrastination
You Can Stop Worry, Pain and Fear Use the Mind-Body Connection Have you wondered if stress is the cause of your bodily symptoms? What I have found is that the body and mind are connected. What happens in one part will affect the other parts. For example: When you stuff down a feeling of anger, worry or fear – it doesn’t just…
Try This Exercise To Stop Procrastination
Small Changes Make Big Differences Have you found yourself procrastinating on things you want to do? If so, you are actually using your creativity, unfortunately in the negative direction. A creative mind can come up with all sorts of reasons and examples of: scary outcomes, why it won’t work, or how it isn’t the right…
Goal Setting Tip
Today I’m once again taking a short break. I’ve been having so much fun working with an amazing group of screen writers. We’ve been talking about using the power of the mind to move past limits. At the Retreat this year we are in Costa Rica. It’s really hot, humid and beautiful here, so of…
Procrastination, Use hypnosis to change your state of mind
Finding the underlying issues that fuel procrastination is one of the steps that will lead to changing this dis-empowering habit. If you procrastinate it is possible that you’ve asked yourself why you procrastinate when it ends up causing stress, overwhelm and feeling bad. There are a number of reasons people procrastinate and they fall into…
Lack of Motivation- Where Does It Come From?
This email came in from one of my students in my group program: Getting relief from anxiety, worry and procrastination. As I replied to her I thought I would post my answer and see what my readers thoughts are on this topic. It was interesting to me that the key to her procrastination might lie…
Is it hard to learn self-hypnosis? Can it help me to get motivated to achieve goals I want?
Q: Is it hard to learn self-hypnosis? Can it help me to get motivated to achieve goals I want? I believe than any goal can be achieved when you break it down into small enough pieces. Most of us get stuck because of the overwhelming feeling that overtakes us when our goals are so big…